Chapters 26-28 Flashcards
Why does Offred feel bad for Serena?
Because, despite the lack of sexual encounters, Offred has become the Commander’s mistress.
What could happen if Serena found out about Offred and the Commander?
She could expel Offred (send her to the colonies)
One time, the Commander almost touches Offred’s face. How does she respond?
She tells him never to touch her again or she’d be sent to the Colonies.
Aunt Lydia said something to Offred about the population levels - what was this?
She said that once the population reached a stable level, Handmaid’s would live in only one household, and become like daughters to the Wives.
Prayers are printed on machines. Ofglen asks Offred if she believes God hears/sees them - what does Offred say and why is this a risk?
Offred says no. This becomes a risk when both women realise they can trust each other, as they now have some form of friendship, which would be seen as suspicious if anyone found out.
A black van pulls up with a white winged Eye on it. What is this?
It is the symbol of the Eyes (spies)
Why does the black van scare Offred?
She fears her conversation with Ofglen was recorded, and they were about to get caught. The Eyes arrest a man with a briefcase instead.
In Ch. 28, Offred remembers the fall of the USA and the creation of Gilead. What was the first thing that happened?
The president was shot and the members of Congress were killed with machine guns
In Ch. 28, Offred remembers the fall of the USA and the creation of Gilead. What was the second thing that happened?
The army declared a state of emergency, telling everyone to remain calm.
In Ch. 28, Offred remembers the fall of the USA and the creation of Gilead. What was the third and fourth things that happened?
What did this scare people in to doing?
Islamic fanatics were falsely blamed for the execution of the entire government.
The Constitution was suspended.
In shock, people stayed at home and watched their televisions.
What happened after Gilead was created?
Newspapers were censored, roadblocks appeared, and everyone had to carry an Identipass.
What happened when Offred tried to use her Compucard?
Her number was declared invalid.
She went to her job at the library, and called her bank. Later that afternoon, her boss appeared looking disheveled and distraught. He told Offred and her female coworkers that he had to fire them, because it was the law. They had 10 minutes to leave.
Atwood immediately juxtaposes Offred’s sudden sense of hope with Ofglen. With what?
The power of the Gileadean state - the van with the eyes and the arrest. Brings back the warning that they can’t hide from anything.