Chapters 20-37 Flashcards
Who said, “I can’t tell you the person’s name because I have vowed never to let it cross my lips.”
Who said, “What would you feel like if a white think did snatch me up and carry me off?
liveliness, animation
remorseful, repentant person
determined, decided
more than enough, excess
wild, unruly
lacking reverence or due respect
unpredictable, fickle
Who said, “Oh, no, it takes me to make such a mistake.”
What does Anne ruin when Mrs. Allan comes to tea?
the Sunday school superintendent
Mr. Bell
Anne’s beloved minister’s wife
Mrs. Allan
Anne’s favorite minister
Mr. Allan
the Sunday school superintendent
Mr. Bell
deprived of prominence; surpassed
Who said, “I really don’t see how I’m going to live through the two weeks before school begins, I’m so impatient to see her.”
Anne things that if she were invited to tea every day she would be what?
a model child
Anne could never be a minister’s wife because she is not what?
naturally good
Who said, “The thought that it is all my own fault is what makes it so hard. If I could blame it on anybody I would feel so much better.”
Who said, “If I had been killed she would have had to carry a dark burden of remorse all her life.”
The person who would have to “carry a dark burden of remorse all her life” when Anne falls from the ridge-pole
Josie Pye
What is the wish granted to her when Anne is injured?
she faints
What does Anne break when she falls from the ridge-pole?
When Anne is injured, Marilla realizes that Anne is ___ to her.
Anne’s friend who always insults her
Josie Pye
Who said, “When she pronounces my name I feel instinctively that she’s spelling with with an e.”
Who said, “Don’t be alarmed if you hear me groaning.”
Marilla believes that Miss Stacy’s concert is __
foolishness and nonsense
Anne’s inspiring teacher
Miss Stacy
Who said, “I knew he was up to some foolishness.”
What does Matthew give Anne for Christmas?
a dress with puffed sleeves
What does Aunt Josephine give Anne for Christmas?
kid slippers
Who said, “We’re going to keep them all sacredly and have them to read our descendants.”
What does Anne think is the most romantic ending to a story?
a funeral
What is Anne’s besetting sin?
How does Diana end her stories?
by killing everyone off
Anne’s friend who is going to be a minister
Moody Spurgeon
mysterious, incomprehensible
Who said, “Anne’s a great hand at explaining.”
Who said, “Little things like that are of no importance now because I don’t suppose I’ll ever be able to go anywhere again. My career is closed.”
Anne feels that she will never be able to go anywhere again when she does what?
dyes her hair green
In order to get rid of red hair Anne was willing to risk what?
being a little wicked
truthfulness, honesty
unquestionably; without doubt
Who said, “You don’t think much about romance when you have just escaped from a water grave.”
Who was Anne pretending to be when she almost drowns?
Elaine, the Lady of Shalott
When Gilbert first seeks to make peach with Anne, she does what?
rejects him
Anne is rescued from a watery grave by __
to yield; surrender
Who said, “If I’d a child like Anne in the house all hte time I’d be a better and happier woman.”
Miss Josephine Barry
The good friends Anne is happy to see again after the summer are ___.
her school books
What is the best part of Anne’s trip to the city to visit Aunt Josephine?
coming home
unromantic; dull
Who said, “He takes them spells oftener than he used to and I’m anxious about him.”
Who said, “I did make a mistake in judging Anne, but it weren’t no wonder, for an odder, unexpecteder witch of a child there never was in this world, that’s what.”
Mrs. Rachel Lynde
Who said, “Oh, you good old friends, I’m gladd to see your honest face once more …”
Who said, “It does seem as if it was the end of everything, doesn’t it?”
Who said, I’m just dazzled inside.”
Who wins first place on the Queen’s entrance test?
Anne and Gilbert
How does Moody Spurgeon steady his nerves?
by reciting the multiplication tables
Who is convinced that Anne will excel on the Queen’s test before she even takes it?
subdue; restrain
Who said, “I’d rather make people cry than laugh.”
When would Anne rather make people cry than laugh?
when she recites
Anne’s refusal to fall in front of Gilbert helps her to overcome what?
her stage fright
Who gives Anne a string of pearl beads?
Who said, “That Anne-girl improves all the time.”
Miss Josephine Barry
Who said, “It’s not the first time I’ve been glad. You do like to rub things in, Matthew Cuthbert.”
Who said, “Well, now, I’d rather have you than a dozen boys, Anne. Just mind you that - rather than a dozen boys.”
The Queen’s medal is won by ___, and the Avery scholarship is won by ___.
Gilbert; Anne
Who said, “When you’ve seen that look as often as I have you’ll know what it means.”
Mrs. Rachel Lynde
Who said, “She’s good and kind and sweet - but it’s not her sorrow - she’s outside of it and she couldn’t come close enough to my heart to help me. It’s our sorrow - yours and mine.”
Who said, “I did use to think you were possessed.”
The person who pronounces Matthew is dead
Mrs. Lynde
Matthew’s death is precipitated by what?
failure of the bank
Who said, “Now, I call that a positive triumph.”
Who said “What a splendid chin he has! I never noticed it before.”