Chapters 1-11 Flashcards
Who said, “Only don’t say I didn’t warn you if he burns Green Gables down or puts strychnine in the well-“
Mrs. Rachel Lynde
What did Mrs. Lynde believe the Cuthberts’ adopted child would do?
burn down Green Gables
Where is Avonlea located?
Prince Edward Island, Canada
What is the relationship between Matthew and Marilla
brother and sister
owners of Green Gables
Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert
The Cuthberts’ nosy neighbor
Mrs. Rachel Lynde
What is Matthew mortally afraid of?
women and girls
Who does Anne think she might be able to get to marry her?
a foreign missionary
Who said, “I’m not in the depths of despair this morning. I can never be in the morning.”
Why is Anne plunged into the depths of despair once sh arrives in Green Gables?
the Cuthberts want a boy
Where is Anne’s bedroom located?
east gable room
Who first decides that the Cuthberts should keep Anne?
Anne’s preferred name
liveliness, animation
wild, unruly
Who said, “My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes.”
Who said, “I guess it doesn’t matter what a person’s name is as long as he behaves himself.”
What is Anne’s buried hope in her graveyard of buried hopes?
her hair will not always be red
the scrubwoman who took Anne in when her parents died
Mrs. Thomas
Who said, “I’ve been thinking over the idea until I’ve got kind of used to it. It seems a sort of duty.”
Who has the authority in Anne’s raising?
more than enough, excess
Why doesn’t Anne care about God?
He gave her red hair.
lacking reverence or due respect
Who said, “Oh, Miss — Marilla, how much you miss!”
Why is Anne concerned that Marilla misses so much in life?
she doesn’t use her imagination
What is Anne’s shortcoming?
What is the one thing Anne could never endure in a bosom friend?
red hair
Anne’s bosom friend
Diana Barry
Who said, “You can shut me up in a dark, damp dungeon inhabited by snakes and toads and feed me only on bread and water and I shall not complain.”
Who said, “Well, they didn’t pick you for your looks, thats sure and certain.”
Mrs. Rachel Lynde
Marilla first witnesses Anne’s short tempter when Anne yells at who?
Mrs. Lynde
What is the serious disposition Marilla discovers about Anne?
bad temper
Who said, “But don’t be too hard on her, Marilla. Recollect she hasn’t ever had anyone to teach her right.”
Who said, “When did you ever hear of me starving people into good behavior?”
Who convinces Anne to apologize to Mrs. Lynde?
Anne’s apology becomes a triumph because she turns it into what?
a performance
remorseful, repentant person
Who said, “I’ll imagine that I like them.”
Anne is disappointed that the dresses Marilla makes her don’t have what?
puffed sleeves