chapters 18-20 Flashcards
true or false
a significant import to the west, bronze casting was an art practiced by most men in benin
true or false
the peruvian nazea people carved geometric patterns and animals on a miniature scale
india’s ancient indus valley figurative art would best be described as
sensual naturalism
according to islamic traditions, God’s first creation was the “galam” aka
a reed pen
true or false
akbar the mughal ruler of the indian subcontinent beleived that figural representations in art leads artists to a deeper respect for nature
japanese hand scrolls unroll from
right to left
unlike mosaic work, calligraphy is viewed as one of the lower act forms to islamic artists
the royal retreat center known as machu micchu was built on a ridge in the eastern andes by
the incas
islamic art is unlike western art because it prohibits
figurative act in a religious context
true or false
based on the teachings of the propher mohammed, islam shares fundamental beliefes and religious history with judaism and christianity
true or false
like the chinese, muslims believe the most respected practice for a calligrapher is translating ancient tribal texts
true or false
unlike the romans, when the muslims conquered a people, they allowed them to retain their religion and culture
true or false
according to the text, the human presence in australia dates back 60,000 years
buddhism as a religion began when
siddhartha gautama achieved enlightenment
in the text, a good example of indian art which is a mixture of east and west (i.e. greek, roman, and buddhist influences) can be seen in the statue
true or false
a totem is a decorative object which serves to keep evil spirits away from a family or tribe
true or false
the olmec were the earliest known culture to inhabit the gulf coast
up until the modern period, chinese civilization was characterized by the interaction of three traditions: confucianism, buddhism, and
true or false
the incas are best known for their building skills using carefully shaped and fitted stones
true or false
according to the text, humanity originated in africa
porcelain plates made by the chinese in the 14th century were decorated using ____ because it was the only color which could survive the high heat of the kilns
true or false
successful chinese poetry had little to do with the execution of the calligraphy and everything to do with the phrasing imagery
true or false
traditional chinese paintings deal wit hthe figure, not nature
false - human figures were shown in minute scale but evidence of deep reverence for nature is clear
_,___ clay warriors were included in the army to protect the chinese emperor of 210 bce
in the 6th century bce, two influential spiritual leaders who preached variations on hindu beliefs were buddhist siddhartha gautama and jainist