chapters 15-17 Flashcards
true or false
the pantheon’s oculus was included to both lighten and strengthen the dome
false - coffers lighten and strengthen structure, oculus provides daylight and ventilation
what we know about greek paintings are primarily showcased on
approximately 2,000,000 years ago, the first stone tooles enabled our ancestors to
gain some control over their relationship to their surroundings
the ziggurat shape came from
a mountain
greek art is considered dynamic and yet does not deal with idealized subject matters in the
hellenistic period
true or false
the greeks developed the structural use of concrete
false - romans
the word “neolithic” means
new stone
egyptian paintings were less natural looking than greek paintings because
the egyptians felt the need to position the figure so it exposed and presented the most descriptive view of the body
the first christian churches were patterned after roman basilicas used by romans as
assembly halls
true or false
geek classical sculpture was both naturalistic and idealistic
____________ is a particular position a figure takes when posing
the ancient sumerians developed the world’s first wheel, plow, and
true or false
the baroque period had more varied styles than that of the renaissance
true or false
paleolithic means new stone age
true or false
early christian and byzantine figures showed characteristics which were not natural, but were symbolic