Chapters 16, 17, 20 Flashcards
Age range most devastating for BI to occur
birth - 5 y/o
5 peak maturation periods in normally developing children (ages/ranges)
3-5 years 8-10 years 14-15 years 17-19 years 21-22 years
3-5 year old brain maturation
all regions of the brain show synchronous development until about age 6
perfecting skills such as forming images, using words, serial ordering things, and problem solving
8-10 year old brain maturation
- motor system maturation
- frontal executive system begins accelerated development
- elaboration of the visuospatial functional and visuo-auditory regions
14-15 year old brain maturation
visuospatial, visuo-auditory, and somatic systems reach their maturational peak
- enter stage of dialectical ability
- able to review formal operations, find flaws with them, and form new ones
17-19 year old brain maturation
big increase in regions governing frontal executive functions
development continues through the mid-twenties when mylenation of the frontal cortex is completed
If damage occurs right before one of these normally occurring neuronal growth spurts, the child or adolescent may lose…
the opportunity for normal development of skills at that time and may not develop the same ways or at the same pace as their same-age peers
prognosis for acquiring new skills is (better/worse) the younger the child is at the time of brain injury
referral rates for special education for children age 0-19 who acquire BI
less than 2%
scatter skills
extreme discrepancies among abilities, they can do some things really well and with others they have great difficulty
504 accommodation plan
written plan developed by a general education school committee outlining accommodations to be made by K-12 or post-secondary school that receives federal funds for a student with a disabling condition that substantially limits a major life activity
- preferential seating
- extended time on assignments or tests
- tests in an alternative setting
- word banks for tests or quizzes
- rest breaks
- shortened assignments
- visual aids/cue cards
- books on CD
- text to speech software
a federal education mandate requiring public schools to provide a free appropriate public education through the use of special education supports and services to children with eligible disabilities
-Child Find
Child Find
requires schools to locate, identify, and evaluate all students from birth to age 21 whom they suspect might have a disability
Individual Education Plan
-legal written plan or program developed by the school’s special education team with input from parents specifying the student’s academic goals based upon assessment and the method to obtain these goals via specially designed instruction and related services
Individual transition plan
-a coordinated set of activities for special education students that promotes successful movement from school to post-school activities as mandated under the IDEA by age 16 (14 in some states) and is part of the IEP document. Addresses life after high school
Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)
TBI due to shaking only
Abusive Heat Trauma (AHT)
TBI resulting from a non-accidental injury involving violence against an individual.
-broad term that includes shaken baby syndrome as well as any type of blunt force to the head or combination of the two (shaken impact syndrome)
___% of shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma survivors were less than 1 year old
What percentage of fatal shaken baby syndrome incidents were male children
58% boys
42% girls
Male caregivers comprised ___% of individuals responsible for shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma
Perpetrators of shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma (percentage breakdown)
56% bio father 16% boyfriend of mother 15% bio mother 5% babysitter 9% other
Injury severity rates for children (percent breakdown for mild, moderate, and severe BI)
80% mild
10% moderate
10% severe