Chapters 11-13 Flashcards
Universalizing religions
Religions that try to find converts due to them offering belief systems of universal appeal
Ethnic Religions
Religions that are cast appropriate only for certain ethnic groups
Syncretic religion
A religion that has elements from various cultural sources
Having elements of different cultural sources
Rejection of religious beliefs and affiliations
Animistic religions
Religions that revere inanimate objects
Caste system
The Indian society in which the castes are steps on the universal ladder and it locks people to specific social classes
A principle of Hinduism that involves you being born into many organisms such as that of animals depending on your actions
A group of people that are in the lowest caste of the caste system
It signifies Jews scattering after the destruction of Jerusalem due to the Romans
Major religions of the USA
In the west, it mostly mixed in the north, Lutheran in the south, baptist and Spanish catholic, in the east, Methodist
Diffusion of religions
The diffusion of Islam would be hierarchical and for Christianity it would be both expansion and relocation diffusion
Interfaith boundaries
Boundaries that separate the major faiths
A country conflicted by ethnic tensions such as that between that of the the Hausa-Fulani and the Ibo
A country conflicted by religious conflict between the Muslims and Christians
Sharia religious laws
Laws that impose harsh codes especially for that of crime
A territory surrounded by another territory but not completely in which it has ethnically and culturally diverse people
A territory completely surrounded by another territory
Ethnic cleansing
A term that described the forced leaving of muslims and occasionally their killing.
Islamic republic
Muslim leaders called for this after seeing parallel in Iran
A Islamic holy war against the west
A supreme religious leader
Non-believers of religion
Islamic fundamentalism
Through the Muslim realm, not every community follows the rules of the Quran
Christian fundamentalism
The Roman Catholic Church has refused new ideas that are incompatible to the faith. A dispute would be birth control.
In Ireland, there are problems between a Protestant majority and catholic minority over their coexistence