Chapters 1-5 Flashcards
How many teeth are present in one quadrant of a complete adult (permanent) dentition?
What class of teeth is present in the permanent dentition that is NOT present in the primary dentition?
In a permanent dentition, the fifth tooth from the midline is a…
Posterior teeth in the permanent dentition include which of the following?
Premolars and molars only
Which permanent tooth erupts into the space previously held by the primary second molar?
Second premolar
If you read an article in a British dental journal that refers to tooth No. 48, you would suspect that the authors were using the International Numbering System. What universal number (or letter) would they be talking about?
Using the Universal Numbering System, what numbers are used to identify maxillary canines?
6, 11
Which tooth junctions are NOT normally visible on a handheld intact tooth?
Dentinoenamel junction
Dentinocemental junction
Dentinopulpal junction
Which statement(s) is (are) likely to be true on a person with a barely erupted tooth No. 9?
The clinical crown is smaller than the anatomic crown
The clinical root is larger than the anatomic root
Which tooth surface(s) face(s) the lips or cheeks?
Which pairs of teeth have a mesial surface touching a mesial surface?
8 and 9
When viewing tooth No. 8 from the distal view, it can be divided into thirds from the incisal to the cervical and from the facial to the lingual. Which third is NOT possible to see from the distal view?
If you were observing the faciolingual dimension of a tooth, what surface(s) could you be viewing?
If the root-to-crown ratio of a maxillary molar (No. 14) is 1.72 and that of another molar, No. 16, is 1.49, which tooth has the longest root relative to its shorter crown?
No. 14
Which of the following bumps or ridges is NOT likely to be found on a maxillary premolar?
Oblique ridge
Which ridges surround the perimeter of the occlusal surface (occlusal table) of a two-cusped premolar?
Mesial marginal ridge
Distal marginal ridge
Mesial cusp ridge of the buccal cusp
Distal cusp ridge of the lingual cusp
What is the correct order of the anatomic landmarks of a tooth with two roots from the cementoenamel junction to the root tip?
Cervix, trunk, furcation, apex
When viewed from the proximal views, what is the location of the greatest bulge (crest of curvature or height of contour) on the facial surface of all teeth?
Cervical third
Which space(s) contain(s) the part of the gingiva known as the interdental papilla?
Cervical embrasure
Interproximal space
Ideal class I occlusion involves an important first permanent molar relationship where the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar is located within the…
Mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar
Where do lingual cusps of maxillary teeth occlude in ideal class I occlusion?
In occlusal fossae of mandibular teeth
How many developmental lobes form a premolar with two cusps (one buccal cusp and one lingual cusp)?
Mesiodistal dimension of the crown is larger than the labiolingual dimension.
Maxillary central incisor
Maxillary lateral incisor
The incisal ridge exhibits a distolingual twist.
Maxillary central incisor
Mandibular lateral incisor
The root is very narrow mesiodistally with medial and distal root depressions.
Mandibular central incisor
Mandibular lateral incisor
The incisal edge is positioned more to the lingual of the root axis line.
Mandibular central incisor
Mandibular lateral incisor
The distal proximal height of contour is more cervical than the medial height of contour.
Maxillary central incisor
Maxillary lateral incisor
Mandibular lateral incisor
This tooth has the widest (mesiodistally) incisor crown.
Maxillary central incisor
This tooth has the shortest root relative to its crown.
Maxillary central incisor
This tooth is the most symmetrical incisor.
Mandibular central incisor
This tooth has the largest curvature of the medial cervical line.
Maxillary central incisor
This tooth has the narrowest incisor crown (mesiodistally).
Mandibular central incisor
This tooth exhibits less cervical line curvature on the distal aspect than on the mesial aspect.
All of the above (Maxillary central incisor, Maxillary canine, Mandibular canine)
The cingulum is centered mesiodistally.
Maxillary canine
There is an almost continuous crown-root outline on the mesial surface of this tooth.
Mandibular canine
The mesial contact area is located more incisally than the distal contact area on the same tooth.
All of the above (Maxillary central incisor, Maxillary canine, Mandibular canine)
The cusp tip is positioned lingual to the mid-root axis line from the proximal view.
Mandibular canine
Mamelons could be observed on this tooth.
Maxillary central incisor
On which tooth is the cusp angle most acute?
Maxillary canine
The mesiodistal width of this tooth is greater than its labiolingual width.
Maxillary central incisor
The mesial and distal marginal ridges are aligned more vertically than horizontally on the lingual surface.
All the above (Maxillary central incisor, Maxillary canine, Mandibular canine)
The teeth (tooth) develop(s) from four lobes.
All of the above (Maxillary central incisor, Maxillary canine, Mandibular canine)
The teeth (tooth) develop(s) from three lobes.
None of the above
Mesial cusp ridge of the buccal cusp is longer than the distal cusp ridge.
Maxillary first premolar
Has a nonfunctioning lingual cusp.
Mandibular first premolar
Two premolars that most frequently have a groove crossing the mesial marginal ridge or one groove just lingual to it.
Maxillary first premolar
Mandibular first premolar
Has a depression in the cervical one third of the mesial side of the crown and root.
Maxillary first premolar
Maxillary premolar that has the longer sharper buccal cusp.
Maxillary first premolar
Largest maxillary premolar.
Maxillary first premolar
Mandibular premolar with the longest and sharpest buccal cusp.
Mandibular first premolar
Maxillary premolar that is most symmetrical (occlusal view).
Maxillary second premolar
Two premolars without a central groove.
Mandibular first premolar
Mandibular second premolar (three-cusp type)
Crowns tipped lingually with respect to the root axis line (proximal view).
Mandibular first premolar
Mandibular second premolar (two-cusp type)
Mandibular second premolar (three-cusp type)
From buccal view, crown is tipped distally from the root axis.
Mandibular first premolar
Mandibular second premolar (two-cusp type)
Mandibular second premolar (three-cusp type)
Mesial marginal ridge is more cervically located than its distal marginal ridge.
Mandibular first premolar
Has no transverse ridge.
Mandibular second premolar (three-cusp type)
Has the longer central groove.
Maxillary first premolar
Has two major cusps almost the same size and length.
Maxillary second premolar
Has a central fossa.
Mandibular second premolar (three-cusp type)
Premolars with only two fossae: both are triangular fossae.
Maxillary first premolar
Maxillary second premolar
Has a central fossa and two triangular fossae.
Mandibular second premolar (three-cusp type)
Has a lingual groove.
Mandibular second premolar (three-cusp type)
Which of the following grooves radiate out from the central fossa in a mandibular second molar?
Which cusp is the largest and longest on a mandibular second molar?
Which cusp may be absent on a mandibular first or third molar?
When this cusp is absent in question No. 3 above, which groove(s) would not be present?
Which fossae are found on a mandibular first molar?
Mesial triangular
Distal triangular
Which developmental groove connects with the lingual groove running in the same direction on a mandibular second molar?
From which view is only one root visible on a mandibular first molar?
Which root may occasionally be divided or bifurcated on a mandibular first molar?
Which cusp triangular ridge does not meet to form a transverse ridge on a five-cusp first molar?
Which ridges form the boundaries of the mesial triangular fossa of a mandibular molar?
Triangular ridge of the mesiobuccal cusp
Triangular ridge of the mesiolingual cusp
Mesial marginal ridge
Which two pairs of cusp triangular ridges make up or join to form the two transverse ridges on a mandibular second molar?
Mesiobuccal and mesiolingal
Distobuccal and distolingual
List in sequential order the longest to shortest cusps on the mandibular first molar.
Mesiolingual, distolingual, mesiobuccal, distobuccal, distal