Chapters 1-3 Flashcards
What is adulthood?
Taking responsibility for oneself
What is gerontology?
the study of aging
Who is Jefferey Jensen Arnett?
a psychologist that studied emerging adulthood which has ages ranging from 18-29
What are some of the features of the “New Stage” created by Jeffery Jensen Arnett?
Instability….changes in jobs, major, friends
Self-focus…what are you going to do with your life
Possibilities….what path will you take
What is Ageism?
Our biases of people at certain ages….old people need to be spoken to slower, louder, etc….young people have it east
What are some examples where age may be a requirement?
21 to drink, 5 years old for kindergarten, 18 years old for the armed forces
How long does development take?
development is lifelong….you never stop developing
When does Freud think development stop?
He thinks that development stops when puberty starts
What are Paul Baltes’ four stages of development?
Multidirectional, Plasticity, Historical Context, and Multiple Causation
What does Multidirectional men In Paul Baltes’ four stages of development?
there are areas of growth and decline in aging….older people tend to have smaller friend groups but get better relationships from those friends.
What does Plasticity mean in Paul Balets’ four stages of development?
the idea that a person can improve themselves and adapt to new ideas/ways of doing things…..People went from sending letters to sending emails.
What does Historical context mean in Paul Balets’ four stages of development?
how what time period affects learning….the 1950s growing up were very different than in 2020
What does Multiple Causation mean in Paul Balets’ four stages of development?
multiple different things develop in person such as physical, cognitive, and social
What is a Normative Age Grade Influence?
An age where people in a culture share the same experiences….Puberty, menopause, learning to drive, voting, etc
What is Normative History Grade Influences?
Events that took place at a certain time in history that affected a generation….war, civil rights movement, climate change movement
What are Non-Normative Influences?
These are experiences that are handled differently by others who experience the same thing… abuse, mental health, death in the family, winning the lottery
What is Primary aging?
This is aging that is gradual and irreversible…examples are vision loss, hair graying, skin elasticity
What is tertiary aging?
these are changes the occur rapidly….cognitive and physical deterioration in the old before death
What is Secondary Aging?
changes due to things that where preventable like injuries, illness, disease, and environment
What is Chronological Age?
your years alive from birth to present day
What is Perceived Age?
how old you feel..can be different from person to person…
What is Biological Age?
how old our body and organs are functioning
What is Psychological Age?
how well you adapt to new things…how well can you control your emotions
============What is Sociocultural Age?
how well are you connected with others
What is Nature Vs Nurture?
What affects a person more, less, or the same debate about genes and environment
Stability Vs Change?
Stability believes personality traits are present at birth….change believes that personalities are modified by our parents, school, and altercation
Continuity Vs Discontinuity
Continuity says change is gradual….Discontinuity say change is abrubt
Universal Vs Context
do all people follow the same path of development or do they have there own ways
What is the S.O.C. model?
Select, Optimize, Compensate?
What does Select mean in the S.O.C. model?
Chose a thing that you are interested in…Cooking
What does Optimize mean in the S.O.C. model?
What do you need…for cooking you need groceries?
What does Compensate mean in the S.O.C model?
What problems do you have? If it is hard to walk you could get the electric carts at walmart and have them load the groceries….you could also do grocery delivery
What is structural neuro imaging?
check to make sure everything is looking as it should…can find tumors, loss of brain size….X rays, CT, MRI
What is Functional NeuroImaging?
This explores to see if your brain is functioning properly….spect, PET, fMRI
What is the Strop Test?
Say the name while text is a different color
What is the Wisconsin Test?
can you sort by what is asked
What is the Bender Test?
can you recreate pictures that have been drawn
How does the brain work?
It uses electricity that is passed through neurons
What does a neuron do?
passes electricity and chemicals
What is a neuron made of?
Soma, Dendrites, Axon, Termina Branch
What is the Limbic System?
controls basic emotion and drives like food, sex, and dominance
what is the Cerrubellum?
In the back of the skull and controls information from sensory systems and motor movement
What is the Cerebral Cortex?
process different types of sensory information
What are some changes to the neurons that happen into old age?
Decline in # of neurons and dendrite size…shortened axons…decrease in synapses and shrinkage in brian
What can you do to increase brain plasticity?
What influences the body to change?
genetics, lifestyle, environment, biology
What is the rate of living theory?
Says we have only a limited amount of energy
What is a cellular theory?
the idea that cells have telomeres that can replicate only a certain amount of times
What is the limited radical theory?
damage to cells over time?
What is organ tissue theory?
says that cells become less flexible and connective tissue becomes stiffer
What is hormonal Stress theory?
stress affects the cells
What is programmed cell death theories?
Aging programmed into genetic code…cells are programmed to self destruct
When does vision loss occur in people?
around middle adulthood?
Why does vision become worse with age?
adaptation to light and dark is weakend, reduced color, cataracts, glaucoma, retinal changes
What happens to touch and balance with age?
loss of touch, temperature regulation, pain sensitivity
What happens to hearing with age?
damage to lound enviornment…may have to adjust socially
What happens to balance with age?
lessens and may have to watch for hazards more careully
What happens to taste and smell with age?
taste changes…texture preferences…food may become less interesting
What happens to skin with age?
wrinkles, thinner, loss of flexibility…..sun can worsen these symptoms
What happens to hair with age?
It becomes grey and may start to disappear
What happens to voice with age?
the pitch can change, slower talking, and decrease volume
What happens to bodybuild overtime with age?
weigh gain or loss, reduction in height,
When is peak performance in humans?
20 -35
When does performance tend to decline?
What can help slow down performance decline due to age?
What happens to bones with age?
A decrease in strength and density
What happens to joint with ag?
less flexible…
What can people do to combat aging?
Cosmetics, hair dye, injections, plastic surgery
How much does lung capacity from 20 to 80
40 percent
What happens to the female reproductive system with age?
menopause which starts in late 30s to late 50s…fertility decreases
What happens to the male reproductive system with age?
a decrease in sperm…decrease in testosterone…erectile dysfunction
How does sleep correlate with aging?
earlier to bed…earlier to rise….insomnia…circadian rhythm changes
What is the average age for humans?
78.7 years
Who is the oldest person
What factors play a role in life expectancy?
What are health disparities?
This is the differences in health care due to income
Do women live longer than men?
by 5 years
what is health?
the state of being complete in social, physical, and mental well being
What is illness?
the presence of a physical or mental disease
How is quality of life measured?
Functioning, well being, cognition, and goals
What is an acute disease?
something that is short term like the flu, cold, infection
What is chronic disease?
long-lasting conditions…cancer
What is the purpose of stress?
To encourage fight or flight…constant stress can lower the immune system
What is the Diathesis stress model?
stress caused by experience
What is primary appraisal?
Catagorizing an event
What is a secondary appraisal?
Evaluate event
What is Reapraiassal?
Change in situation
What is polypharmacy?
Studies the effects of medications
What is activity of daily living
things we need to do to live independently…can you feed yourself…can you dress..can you sit and stand
What are the instrumental activities of daily living
shopping… bill..use phone…driving