Chapter1- The Microbial World And You Flashcards
The study of bacteria
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus called MRSA
Emerged in 1980s became endemic in many hospitals increasing use of vacomycin
Pandemic disease
Disease that affects large #s of individuals in a short period of time and occurs worldwide
Demonstrated that microorganisms are present in the air and can contaminate sterile solutions, but the air itself does not create microbes
- s shaped curves flasks
- showed that microorganisms can be present in non living matter- on solids, in liquids & in the air
- demonstrated that microbial life can be destroyed by heat and that methods can be devised to block the access of airborne microorganisms to nutrient environments
Hypothesizing that living cells arise only from predicting living cells
An arsenic derivative effective against syphilis
Named Salvarsan cus it was considered to offer salvation from syphilis and it contained arsenic a
Avian influenza A (H5N1) aka bird flu
Killed millions of poultry and 24 ppl on a east Asia in 2003
- occurs in birds worldwide
- found in many diff animals- ducks chicken pigs whales horses and seals
- all subtypes of influenza A virus can infect pigs
/fortunately the virus has not yet evolved to b transmitted successfully among humans
Organisms who’s cells have a distinct nucleus containing the cells genetic material (DNA) surrounded by a special envelops called their nuclear membrane
Molecular biology
Looks at how genetic info is carried in molecules of DNA and how DNA directs the synthesis of proteins
Slime molds
Organisms that have characteristics of both fungi and amebae
Extract from the bark of a South American tree which had been used by spanish conquistadors to treat malaria
Long filaments that branch and intertwine and make up mycelia
Golden age of micro 1857-1914
Rapid advances spearheaded mainly by Pasteur and Robert Koch led to the establishment of microbiology
-discoveries= agents of many diseases, role of immunity in preventing & curing disease
Means prenucleus
Include both bacteria and archaea
All living cells…
- have DNA n rna
- can carry out chemical reactions
- can reproduce as self sufficient units
H1N1 influenza (flu) aka swine flu
Type of influenza caused by a new virus called H1N1
Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology
Inserts recombinant DNA into bacteria (or other microbes) make large quantities of a desired protein
-these techniques have been used thus far to produce a # of natural proteins, vaccines and enzymes
- so Sm most can only b seen w an electron micro
- they are a cellular (NOT cellular)
- simple structurally
- considered to be living only when they multiply w in host cells they infect (viruses r parasites of other forms of life)
- they’re considered NOT to b living because they are inert outside living hosts
- a virus particle contains a core made of only 1 type of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA
- can reproduce only by using cellular machinery of other organisms
- Unicellular form of fungi
- oval microorganisms that are larger than bacteria
Chemicals produced naturally by bacteria and fungi to act against other microorganisms
Rudolf virchow 1885
Challenged the case for spontaneous generation w the concept of biogenesis
Microbial genetics
Studies the mechanisms by which microorganisms inherit traits
Animal parasites
- multicellular
- not strictly microorganisms
- eukaryotes
Study of viruses
(Singular: bacterium)
Relatively simple, single felled (unicellular) organisms
- bacterial cells are called prokaryotes and generally appear in 1 of several shapes
- individual bacteria may form pairs, chains, clusters or other groups
- bacteria r enclosed in cell walls that r largely composed of a carb & a protein complex called peptidoglycan
**bacteria domain= cell walls contain a protein-carb complex called peptidoglycan
Kochs postulates
Sequence of experimental steps for directly relating a specific microbe to a specific disease
Aids acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
A disease that destroys the immune systemic
E. coli O157
-inhabitant of large intestine that helps break down undigestible foodstuffs but the E. coli strain causes bloody diarrhea when it grows in the intestines
Drug resistance
Results from genetic changes in microbes that enables them to tolerate a certain amount of an antibiotic that would normally inhibit them
-some previously treatable bacterial infections may soon be impossible to treat w antibiotics
Organisms that derive nutrients from living hosts
Aseptic techniques
Procedures that prevent contamination by unwanted microorganisms- r now the standard practice in laboratory and many medical procedures
- consists of prokaryotic cells, but if they have cell walls, the walls lack peptidoglycan
- NOT known to cause disease in humans
- often found in extreme environments
- % into 3 groups: methanogens, extreme halo Philz’s, extreme thermophiles
Archaea domain group= cell walls, if present, lack peptidoglycan
Synthetic drugs
Chemotherapeutic agents prepared from chemicals in the laboratory
2 major groups of parasitic worms
-flatworms & roundworms
Transmitted through public water supply resulted in diarrheal illness
-microorganism responsible was the protozoan- cryptosporidium
Microbial ecology
Study of the relationship between microorganisms and their environment
- today includes the study of how microbial populations interact w plants and animals in various environments
- concerns:water pollution and toxic Chems in the environment
Vancomycin-resistant S. aureus (VRSA)
It’s first infection was reported in the US in 2002
Industrial application of microorganisms, cells or cell components to make a useful product
Plant domain group: (mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants)
Binary fission
Making bacteria reproduce by dividing into 2 equal cells
Disease producing enzymes
Gene therapy
Inserting a missing gene or replacing a defective one in human cells _uses a harmless virus to carry the missing or new gene into certain host cells, where the gene is picked up and inserted into the appropriate chromosome
Extreme thermophiles
- therm=heat
- live in hot, sulfurous water such as hot springs @yellowstone national park
Microbes are not all pathogenic… the vast benefit humans, animals, plants… HOW?
- microbes produce methane and ethanol
- bacteria help recycle vital elements between the soil and the atmosphere
- microorganisms convert elements into forms that plants and animals can use
- especially bacteria and fungi return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere when they decompose organic wastes and dead plants and animals
- only bacteria can naturally convert atmospheric nitrogen to a forms available by plants and animals
- sewage treatment, clean up pollutants, insect pest control (microbial insect control 😍 rather than chemical insecticides 😫)
The genetic material could be transferred from one bacterium to another
RNA ribonucleic acid
(Messenger rna) Chemical involved in protein synthesis
Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease or CJD
Human disease also caused by a prion
(Bacterial cell shape)
Spherical or ovoid
Cell wall that encloses bacteria, largely composed of a carb & protein complex
Recombinant DNA
DNA molecule produced by combining DNA from 2 diff sources
***eukarya domain group
**protists (slime, molds, Protozoa, algae) ** fungi (unicellular yeasts, multicellular molds, mushrooms)
Produce methane as a waste product from respiration
Carb that makes up cell walls
Infectious disease
In Which pathogens invade a susceptible host such as a Juan or an animal —> the pathogen carries out at least part of its life cycle in the host & disease frequently results
-may reemerge because of antibiotic resistance
Penicillium chrysogenum
Penicillin-the first antibiotic discovered by accident
Founded by Fleming on accident= almost tossed culture plates that had been contaminated by mold
- a mold that inhibited growth of a bacterium
- antibiotic produced by a fungus
1978 carl worse
- devised a system of classification based on the cellular organization of organisms»_space;>groups all into 3 domains
1. ) bacteria-cell walls contain a protein-carb complex called peptidoglycan
2. ) archaea- cell walls, if present, lack peptidoglycan
3. ) eukarya- **protists (slime, molds, Protozoa, algae) ** fungi (unicellular yeasts, multicellular molds, mushrooms)
4. ) plants (mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants)
5. ) animals (sponges, worms, insects and vertebrates)
Francesco redi
- physician
- 1668 demonstrate maggots didn’t generate spontaneously- flies w air/sealed experiment- life cannot form from non life
The study of all organisms genes study
(Naming) for organisms in use today
Established 1735 Carlous Linnaeus
Scientific names r latinized cus Latin was the language traditionally used by scholars
1)genus 2)specific epithet
The organism is referred to by both the genus &a the specific epithet & both names are underlined or italicized
Substance that makes up fungi cell walls
Discovered by
Microorganisms called yeasts convert the surfaces to alcohol in the absence of air
-this process is used to make wine and beer
Cultures of avirulent microorganisms used for preventive inoculation
Latin word baca means cows- vaccine honored Jen era earlier cowpox inoculation work
Ebola hemorrhagic fever or EHF
Close personal contact w infectious blood or other body fluids or tissues leads to human to human transmission—> transferred over n over to healthcare workers
-most typical fungi
-they form visible
Masses called mycelia
Study of immunity
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
- was prob the 1st to observe live organisms through the magnifying lenses
- constructed more than 400 microscopes
- 1673-1723 he wrote about animalcules
- He made detailed drawings of organisms he found in rainwater, feces and materials scraped from teeth (which have been identified as representations of bacteria and protozoa)
- discovered the previously invisible world of microorganisms
- singular: fungus
- may be unicellular or multicellular
- they are eukaryotes
- can reproduce sexually or a sexually
- CANNOT carry out photosynthesis
- singular= alga
- photosynthetic eukaryotes w a wide variety of shapes & both sexual and asexual reproductive forms
- abundant in fresh water, saltwater, soil & in association w plants
- photosynthesizer- use light as an energy source & carbon dioxide as their chief source of carbon to produce sugars
Inhibit replication of viruses
They’re generated by the bodies own immune system
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
Cause of aids
Destroys CD4+ T cells -1 type of white blood cell important to immune system defenses
Inevitably fatal once symptoms develops
Robert Hooke 1665
- observed thin cork through microscope
- reported life’s smallest units were little boxes or cells
- discovery marked the beginning of cell theory= all living things r composed of cells
Treatment of disease by using chemical substances
- chemical treatment of non infectious diseases such as cancer
- :) some chemicals are more poisonous to microorganisms than to the hosts infected by the microbes
- ehrlich- fired 1st shot in chemotherapy revolution~ he founded Salvarsan
-complex aggregation of microbes
Ex: slime on rock, film on teeth
- microorganisms may attach to each other and/or some usually solid surface
- they protect your mucous membrane from harmful microbes, biofilms in lakes r food for aquatic animals
- they can b harmful… can clog water pipes, medical implants.. can cause infection n r often resistant to antibiotics due to their protective layer
Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs)
Infectious disease seem to b reemerging and increasing
-a # of new diseases or changing diseases and are increasing or have the potential to increase in incidence in the near future
Ex: Middle East respiratory syndrome-(MERS), (SARS), H1N1 I fluenza(flu/swine flu), avian influenza (bird flu)
West Nile encephalitis (WNE)
Inflammation if he brain caused by
West Nile virus
- now establishes in non migratory birds in 48 states
- the virus is carried by birds, transmitted between birds and to horses and to humans by mosquitoes
The protection from disease provided by vaccination or by recovery from the disease itself
Marbug virus
Hemorrhagic fever virus
Microbes aka microorganisms
Very small organisms that usually require a microscope to be seen
Including: Bactria fungi(yeasts and molds) Protozoa & microscopic algae, viruses & those no cellular entities sometimes regarded as straddling the border between life and non life
The majority help maintain the balance of life in our environment
- formed by molds
- they are composed of long filaments called hyphae that branch n intertwine
Heat just enough to kill most of the bacteria that caused spoilage
-now commonly used to reduce spoilage & kill potentially harmful bacteria in milk as well as in some alcoholic drinks
Germ theory disease
Microorganisms might cause disease
Study of Protozoa and parasitic worms
Extreme halophiles
- halo= salt
- Philic= loving
-live in extreme salty environments *great salt lake or Dead Sea
The ability to ward off disease
Whether our bodies overcome the offensive tactics of a particular microbe
(Scientific nomenclature)
(Plural: genera)
The first name and is always CAPITALIZED
Cell theory
The theory that all living things are composed of cells
-hookes discovery
(Bacterial cell shape)
Corkscrew or curved
Bacterial ancestors
Were the 1st living cells to appear on earth
Sulfa drugs
Spontaneous generation
-until 2nd 1/2 of the 19th century many scientists n philosophers believed that some forms of life could arise spontaneously from non-living matter
Vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus or VISA
Reported in late 1990s
Development of the electron microscope
1940s microbiologists have been able to observe the structure of viruses in detail
Paul ehrlich magic bullet
He speculated as a med student about a “magic bullet” that could hunt down and destroy a pathogen w out harming the infected host
-after testing 100’s of substances he found Salvarsan-arsenic derivative effective against syphilis
(Bacterial cell shape)
Study of fungi, includes medical, agricultural, and ecological branches
- (singular: protozoan)
- unicellular eukaryotic microbes
- move by pseudopods, flagella or cilia
A food & oxygen generating process that is critical to life on Earth
Medical symbol= rod of Asclepius
Has been speculated that it represents the removal of a parasitic guinea worm
Asclepius was a Greek physician practiced 1200 bc was defied as the god of medicine
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy aka BSE or mad cow disease
96” 100ds of 1000nds of cattle born after 88 had to b killed imported from U.K.
-disease caused by an infectious protein called prion —- adding sheep to a cattle who’s a herbivores diet
By using bacteria toxins can be removed from underground wells, chemical spills, toxic waste sites, oil spills, used in drain cleaners, remove spots from clothing
Normal microbiota
We all have a variety of microorganisms on and inside our bodies
- some normal microbiota protect us against disease by preventing the overgrowth of harmful microbes & other produce useful substances such as vit K and B vitamins
- sometimes though, normal microbiota can make us sick or infect ppl we contact-when some normal microbiota leave their habitat they can cause disease
Animal domain: animals (sponges, worms, insects and vertebrates)
Moving appendages