In Business terms, demand is the quantity of a product that consumers are prepared to purchase.
Entrepreneurship is the ablity and willingness to start, operate and assume the risk of a business venture in the hope of making a profit.
A partnership is an unincorporated legal business structure with a minimum of two and a maximum of 20 owners.
Proprietary company
A proprietary (private) company is an incorporated business with a minimum of two, and a maximum of 50 private shareholders.
A franchise means buying the rights from another business to distribute its product under its name.
Solicitors provide infromation concerning business formation and structures, registation, contract,lease, partnership agreements, patents and legislations.
Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI)
VECCI is the state’s main employer group and Australia’s largest multi-industry employer organisation.
Local government
aLocal councils offer advice on landing zoning, assist with subsidised land and consider development application.
Market research
Market research is a process of systematically collecting, recording and analysing information concerning a specific market.
Business Entity
A business entity is any organistion engaged in the production of goods and services.
Silent partner
A silent or sleeping partner contributes financially to the business but takes no part in the running of the partnership.
Public Company
A public company is a company that has issued securities through an initial public offering (IPO) and is traded on at least one stock exchange or in the over the counter market.
A franchisor is an individual or organisation that grants a franchise.
Complementary businesses provide valuable advice on all financial managments issues and taxation oblugations.
Small Business Association of Australia and New Zealand
This lobby group provides a forum for exchanging news and views relating to small business matters.
Informal networks
Business people can use their network of friends and colleagues, as well as other business owners to gain information and advice.