Chapter two key notes Flashcards
What is the name of chapter two?
The fire on the mountain
What are the two key themes in this chapter?
power, Leadership and fear
Who suggest to build a fire on the mountain
How do they start the fire and who suggest what to do?
- jack suggest to use piggy’s glasses to light the fire
- Ralph follows this idea and uses it
What does the conch symbolise?
Golding introduces the conch as a symbol of Democracy and authority—> linked to Ralphs future leadership style
what rule is made and by who
Only the boy with the conch can speak- made by ralph
what happens when ralph suggest to build a signal fire to attract the passing ships & planes
Jack interrupts and takes control leading the group up the mountain- showing how ralph never had complete control in the beginning.
Who does Ralph blame when the fire burns out of control?
Piggy- says he should have been taking better care of the littluns
who goes missing/ killed
mulberry- coloured birthmark boy/littlun
Explain the analyses behind the establishment of rules
- Ralph sets out rules to try maintain civilization and organization of their old lives.
Why is jack excited about the rules
instead of seeing rules as a form of civilization he sees rules as a way to punish anyone who breaks them.
- jack views rules as power and a way of controlling the other boys
What are three words to describe jacks future leadership style
what are the first signs of fear in this chapter
- Piggy mentioning that they may stay on this island for ever
- Littlun saw a snake-like “beastie”
How does ralph and jack react to the littlun being scared of the beast
- Ralph try’s to persuade him that their is no beast
- Jack says he will look for the snake when he is hunting
Jack undermines Ralph’s authority and using the littluns fear to make himself appear more powerful and strong
How does ralph describe the fear and what does it link to
“Their irrational fear is ungraspable”
- links to the developing idea of fear and it’s psychological impact
What does novel explore about fear
The power of fear over reason.
What does the signal fire symbolise
the boys hope that they’ll be rescued
Why and how is the littlun killed
- The fire burns out of control
- it burns up all their firewood
- kills the littlun
- this happens because the boys’ carless behaviour
As soon as Ralph mentions the idea of fire what happens and what does this reflect
- Rules / civilization is forgotten
- the boys’ desire to have fun is stronger than their respect for the rules
- shows their naivety and innocence
What quote shows the boy’s innocence
” looked at each other fearfully, unbelieving”