Chapter two Flashcards
purposeful or willful mistreatment that causes physical, mental, emotional, or financial pain or injury to a person
advance directives
legal documents that allow people to decide what kind of medical care they wish to have in the event they are unable to make those decisions themselves
a threat to harm a person, resulting in the person feeling fearful that he will be harmed
the intentional touching of a person without their consent
civil law
private law; law between individuals
criminal law
public law; law related to committing a crime against the community
any untrue statement (written or formal) that harms a person’s reputation and/or damages the person’s ability to make a living
abbreviation for do not intubate; a medical order that tells medical professionals not to place a breathing tube in a person
abbreviation for do not resuscitate; a medical order that tells medical professionals not to perform CPR in the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest
electronic health record (EHR)
the electronic form of a resident’s personal and health data that is used to manage and coordinate a resident’s health care
domestic violence
physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by spouses, intimate partners, or family members
durable power of attorney for health care
a legal document that appoints someone to make the medical decisions for a person in the event he becomes unable to do so
the knowledge of right and wrong; standards of conduct
the code of proper behavior and courtesy in a certain setting
involuntary discharge from a facility
the act of taking advantage of a person for personal gain through threats or manipulation
false imprisonment
unlawful restraint that affects a person’s freedom of movement; includes both the threat of being physically restrained and actually being physically restrained
financial abuse
improper or illegal use of a person’s money, possessions, property, or other assets
invasion of privacy
the violation of the right to be left alone and the right to control personal information
abbreviation for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; a federal law that sets standards for protecting the privacy of patient’s health information
intimate partner violence (IPV)
physical, sexual, or emotional harm caused by a partner or spouse
involuntary seclusion
the separation of a person from others against the person’s will
rules set by the government to help protect the publc
defamation in written form
living will
a document that states the medical care a person wants, or does not want, in case she becomes unable to make those decisions
professional misconduct that results in damage or injury to a person
mandated reports
people who are required to report suspected or observed abuse or neglect due to their regular contact with vulnerable populations, such as the elderly in long-term care facilities
the deliberate misplacement, exploitation, or improper use of a person’s belongings or money without the person’s content
the inappropriate treatment or exploitation of a resident
abbreviation for Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Program; part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) that sets minimum requirements for training and testing nursing assistants
the failure to provide necessary care or services, resulting in physical, mental, or emotional harm to a person
actions, or the failure to act or provide proper care for a person, resulting in unintended injury
abbreviation for Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act; a law passed by the federal government that includes minimum standards for nursing assistant training, staffing requirements, resident assessment instructions, and information on rights for residents
a legal advocate (person who publicly supports a certain cause) for residents in long-term care facilities
physical cause
any treatment, intentional or not, that causes harm or injury to a person’s body
protected health information (PHI)
information that can be used to identify a person and relates to the patient’s condition, including any health care the person has had, and payment for that health care
psychological abuse
emotional harm caused by threatening, frightening, isolating, intimidating, humiliating or insulting a person
resident council
a group of residents who meet regularly to discuss issues related to the long-term care facility
resident’s rights
rights identified in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) that relate to how residents must be treated while living in a long-term care facility; they provide an ethical code of conduct for healthcare workers
scope of practice
the tasks that healthcare providers are legally permitted to perform according to state or federal law
sexual abuse
nonconsensual sexual contact of any type
sexual harassment
any unwelcome sexual advance or behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment
defamation in oral form
substance abuse
the repeated use of legal or illegal substances in a way that is harmful to oneself or others
verbal abuse
the use of language, pictures, or gestures that threaten, embarrass, or insult a person
workplace violence
verbal, physical, or sexual abuse of staff by other staff members, residents, or visitors