Chapter Three Flashcards
Book on the Marvels of the World
written by de pisa
introduces/ motivates explorers to the riches of Asia
compass, charts, gunpowder, lug sail
Gold, God, Glory
Motivation for conquering native societies
A continuation of crusading mentality
Reconquering of the Iberian Peninsula
Cut out Muslim traders
Edict of Expulsion
Spread Christianity
Prince Henry the Navigator
explored west Africa
Failed attempt to convert Muslims
returned with gold, sugar cane, slaves
Bartolomeu Dias
Attempted to sail around the tip of Africa
Vasco de Gama
First European to reach India by sea
Alfonso de Alburquerque
Founded the city of Goa
- Seized control fo spice trade
- Spread Christianity
Indian Headquarters
Pedro Cabral
Claimed Brazil and made sugarcane plantations
Ferdinand and Isabella
From (Aragon and Castile)
Unified Spain
Wanted riches to spread christianity
Christopher Columbus
Sponsored by the Spanish crown after being denied by Italy and Portugal
Sails west to discover shortcut
Reaches Bahamas and Cuba (Through he hit Japan and Indonesia)
Amerigo Vespucci
Realized the Christopher Columbus “New World” was not Asia
America is named after him
Waldseemuller Map
First map based on Vespucci’s stories
Vasco Nunez Balboa
Explore Panama; crosses the Isthmus of Panama; sees the pacific ocean
Ferdinand Magellan
Goal to circumnavigate the world
Sets out with 280 men
Passes Southern tip of south America
Claimed the Philippines
Claimed by Ferdinand Magellan as the first Spanish claimed Island in Asia
El Cano
18 men return to Spain after Magellan’s circumnavigation
vice - king ; kind of like a colony
New Spain
California to Panama (Mexico city capital) First viceroy
Panama through South America (Cuzco capital)
Extreme labor system imposed on the indigenous people; similar to slavery
Bartolome de las Casas
wrote a book advocating against encomienda
led to the pope abolishing the encomienda