Chapter Seven Flashcards
What is discrimination?
unequal treatment of persons in personnel decisions based of their race, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation
First officially designated police woman
First females to wear uniform and un belt, as well as patrol
Discrimination against African Americans
1867 - first African American police officers
1910: first of them in the south forces
threat to white supremacy
What is double marginality?
The simultaneous expectation by white officers that African American officers would give members of
their own race better treatment and hostility from members of the African American community who
considered black officers to be traitors to their race.
What was the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders?
study proving police employment practices contributed to riots in late 60s
African Americans represented 5% of police officers nation wide
What was the Kerner Commission?
recommended police departments to recruit more negroes
Hoe did women and minorities strive for equality?
14th amendment - treat everybody equally, 1868
Civil Rights Act of 1964
prohibited all job discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (OCCSTA)
assisted local governments in reducing the incidence of crime by increasing fairness and coordination
Equal Employment opportunity Act of 1972
Extended 1964 Civil Rights Act
Applicable to state and local governments
strengthened powers of EEOC
Permitted DOJ to sue state and local governments
Civil Rights Act 1991
Allows for awarding of punitive damages regarding civil rights violations under certain conditions
Based on number of Employees and does not apply to government agencies
What is Explicit discrimination?
Making it known they don’t want to hire minorities
separate job titles, recruitment efforts, standards, pay, and procedures for female or minority employees
What’s De Facto discrimination?
discrimination as the indirect result of policies or practices that are not intended to discriminate, but which do, in fact, discriminate
Federal courts and job discrimination
Job relatedness and Job analysis
Affirmative Action Programs
active effort to improve employment or educational opportunities for minorities
-Ensures equal opportunity
-Redressing past inequality
What is white male backlash?
White males passed over on promotions and other things by minorities
Association of White Male Peace Officers
Milwaukee, 2005
Jury found that Police Chief Arthur Jones discriminated against white male lieutenants.
Ricci v. De Stefano 2009
Supreme court ruling in favor of 17 white and 2 Hispanic firefighters
Minorities in policing today
-U.S PD attempt better reflect on communities they serve
-Entry requirements have been altered
Female representation
2003: 11.3 percent of all full-time sworn officers in local law enforcement were women
-command positions
women executives
African American Representation
70s and 80s: appointed as police chiefs
2003: 11.7 percent, 35 percent increase from 1990
Hispanic Representation
2003: 9.1 percent
help bridge cultural barriers
HAPCOA: supports Hispanics in CJ agencies
Asian Representation
poorly represented
biggest challenge is recruitment
California agencies lead the way
Muslim representation
small but increasingly visible
discrimination over grooming issues
Gay and Lesbian Representation
1969: IACP rescinded policy of opposing gay officers
- Lawrence V. Texas: struck down Texas law criminalizing homosexual sex
Problems persistent for Women
Recruiting and hiring
Acceptance and workplace harassment
Dating, pregnancy, and family issues
Problems persistent for African Americans
Competition with private sector
Friendly fire or fraternal fire
Perception of tokenism
Problems persistent for all minorities
Command structure
Recruitment and representation