Chapter 9 Flashcards
Traditional Methods of Police work: Random routine patrol
-Officers driving around a designated geographic area
-Rapid response to citizens calls to 911
-Retroactive investigation of past crimes by detectives
Purpose of patrol
-Deterrence of crime
-Maintenance of feeling of public security
- Availability for service to public 24 hours a day
Legacy of O.W. Wilson
-Patrol: designed to create an impression of omnipresence
-Concept of random routine patrol
-One-officer patrols can observe
more than two-officer patrols
-Police administration: first textbook for police executives
Effectiveness of Police work: Controlled experiment
-Experimental group: receives changed conditions
-Control group: not acted upon
What was the Kansas City study
First attempt to test effectiveness of random routine patrol
found: fifteen beats used - five control, five reactive, five proactive.
Collected data on reported crime, arrests, traffic accidents, response times, citizen attitudes, and citizen and business victimization
Rapid response to citizens 911 calls
Traditional way to catch criminals
Early studies of rapid response
1967, Task Force Report: Improvements of 15 to 30 seconds valuable
Later studies of rapid response
Basic components
- Time between when crime occurs and moment victim or witness calls police
- Time required for police to process call
- Travel time from time police car receives call from dispatcher until it arrives at scene
in 1960, why was car patrol the main method?
-Revolutionized policing
-More efficient patrol coverage
-Disadvantage: isolated police officers from the community
Who employs two-officer cars
larger urban departments
Pro: Less likely to be assaulted in pairs
Cons: Officers can become distracted or not quite observant
- Officers can be overly confident and have false sense of security
Who employs one-officer cars?
suburban, rural departments
When was the return to foot patrol?
When foot patrol is added in neighborhoods:
Levels of fear decrease significantly
Citizen satisfaction with police increases
Police who patrol on foot:
-Have greater appreciation for values of neighborhood residents than police who patrol same area in automobiles
-Have greater job satisfaction, less fear, and higher morale than officers who patrol in automobiles
What is evidence-based policing?
-Uses available scientific research on policing
-For overall crime-fighting strategies and department policies
-Necessary to let go of traditional wisdom
-Projects are monitored and evaluated to determine if they work
-Information is shared with other agencies to continually add to body of knowledge
Modern response to citizens 911 calls: Directed patrol
Patrols specific locations at specific times for specific crimes
Modern response to citizens 911 calls: Split-force patrol
Half the force responds to calls for service and the other half performs directed patrol
Modern response to citizens 911 calls: Differential response
Response to calls for service varies according to type and severity of call
Allocation of resources: Describe Personnel and Vehicles
-Most expensive part of department budget
-Departments have reexamined roles/tasks
-Scheduling officers is a big issue
-Staggered shift changes and briefings
Fleet vehicles: used by different officers around the clock
Alternative Strategies: Uniformed tactical operations
Involve use of traditional patrol operations in more aggressive manner
Alternative Strategies: Decoy vehicles
Using unoccupied marked police vehicles to give perception of omnipresence
Alternative vehicle deployment
Includes bikes, motorcycles, and scooters
Police Traffic Operations: Concerns for law enforcement:
-Speed enforcement
-Dangerous work zones
-Fatigued or distracted drivers
-New types of vehicles
-Drugged drivers
Police pursuits are considered…
most deadly force available to police
Percentage of patrol officers
Generally, 60 to
70 percent of law enforcement officers spend their
time patrolling,
Define Omnipresence
can be defined as “the quality of
always being there.” Thus, if the police are always
there or seem to be always there, criminals cannot operate. Wilson’s patrol ideas were designed
to make the police appear to be as omnipresent as