Chapter Quiz: Rhythm Flashcards
End- Stopped Line
A line of verse that ends in a full pause, always indicated by a mark of punctuation.
The unit of measurement in metrical poetry (usually consisting of two or three syllables that contain one strong stress).
The study of metrical structures in poetry.
Dactylic Meter
Stately/ Prancing
Lines primarily made up feet in which one stressed syllable is followed by two unstressed syllables.
The emphasis placed on a syllable in speech (accent).
Iambic Meter
Common Meter
A line primarily made up of iambs; each foot contains an unaccented syllable followed by and accented one.
A metrical foot of verse containing two stressed syllables, often substituted into meter to create extra emphasis.
Rising Meter
A meter whose movement rises from an unstressed syllable to a stressed syllable.
A metrical foot in which an unaccented syllable is follies by an accented one.
Slack Syllable
Unstressed syllable
The pattern of stresses and pauses in a poem.
Anapestic Meter
A line primarily made up feet in which two unstressed syllables are followed by a stressed syllable.
Accentual Meter
A meter than uses a consistent number of strong speech stresses per line. The number of unstated syllables may vary.
Part of Prosody
A practice used to describe rhythmic patterns in a poem by separating the metrical feet, counting the syllables, marking the accents, and indicating the pauses.
Run- On Line
A line of verse that does not end in punctuation, but carries on grammatically to the next line. Also called enjambment.
Falling Meter
A meter whose movement falls from a stressed syllable to an unstressed syllable.
Caesura/ Cesura
A pause within a line of verse.
Trochaic Meter
Magical/ Chanting
A line primarily made up of feet in which a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.
A recurrent, rhythmic pattern in verse; when stress occur at fixed intervals, this is the result.