Chapter Oone Flashcards
Accreditation standards
Statement of expectation set by a competent authority concerning a degree or level of requirement, excellence, or attaiinment in quality or performance
Use of performance information to determine the degree to which an acceptable level of quality has been achieved
Continuous improvement
System in which individuals in an organization look for ways to do things better, usually based on understanding and control of performance variation
Governing board
Individuals, group, or agency with ultimate legal authority and responsibility for overall operation of an organisation; sometimes called board of trustees
Healthcare quality
Degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge
Planning and making changes to current practices so performance will be better in the future
Collection of information for the purpose of understanding current performance and seeing how performance changes over time
Medical Staff Executive Committee
Leadership group of a hospital’s organized medical staff that exercises primary authority over activities of the medical staff and over performance of individuals with hospital clinical privileges
Health services misuse includes incorrect diagnoses as well as medical errors and other sources of avoidable complications
Overuse occurs when a health service is provided even though its risk of harm exceeds its likely benefit
Patient Safety
Actions taken to reduce the risk of patients being unintentionally harmed by effects of healthcare services
Collections of actions following prescribed procedures for bringing about a result
Quality management
Way of doing business which continuously improves products and services to achieve ever better levels of performance
Quality management plan
Written description of the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources supporting an organization’s quality management system
Quality management system
Organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes, and resources supporting the design, measurement, assessment, and improvement of key functions and key processes; sometimes referred to as the quality program or performance improvement program
Person, group, organization, or entity with a direct or indirect stake i an organization because it can affect or be affected by that organization’s actions, objectives, and performance
Underuse occurs when a health service is not provided though it would have been medically beneficial