Chapter One Vocab Flashcards
Asymmetric information
The relative holdings of data by individuals; when at least one party to an agreement has superior knowledge of some dimension of the agreement
bounded rationality
A property common to parties involved in economic exchange which implies that economic agents act with less than perfect information; arises because information is costly to acquire and preocess; that is, transaction costs will prevent parties form becoming fully informed
business reengineering
the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary modern measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.”… leads to unemployment of those least likely to get hired already, which increases poverty.
importance of large producers in a market
an agreement between two or more people that specifies actions that each will take or assigns decision-making powers.
core competencies
An area of business in whichan organization has a competitive advantage not only in producing a good or service but also in developing new and related products
“a reduction in the importance of a command and control hierarchy and the emergence of more independent business units
economic rents
“A term used used by economist to describe ““extra payments going to a resource; more specifically the benefits from an activity going to a resource in excess of what is needed to attract that resource to that activity; in a sense representing ““something for nothing””
economies of scale
reduction in average unit cost as output expands
economies of scope
cost advantage from producing related yet different goods
if it is impossible, given available resources, to implement an alternative arrangement under which all parties involved are at least as well off.
external contract
An agreement between the fimr and parties lacking an ownership or employment interest
final goods
Outputs produced in an economic system sold directly to consumers without further processing
Firm / Organization
A conscious, willful effort to organize economic activity that consists of a collection of contracts when more than one party is involved…. a legal entity, recognized by law, which is permitted to enter into binding contracts with other persons and firms.