Chapter One Flashcards
- Up to what age is there little difference in growth rate between the British and Continental breeds?
Ireland is the __________ largest beef exporter in the world and the largest beef exporter in Europe.
What percentage (%) of Irish beef is exported?
Under the Sustainable Beef and Lamb Assurance Scheme (SBLAS), how often does an audit be carried out on farms?
18 months.
In 2019, what value in euros (€) did the total beef exports amount to?
2.1 billion.
List two (2) examples of British Beef Breeds?
Hereford and Angus
Calculate the gross factory price for a 700 kg live animal with a 50 % kill-out percentage, with a price per kg carcase at €5.20/kg? (Show Calculations)
List two (2) out of the three categories to score cleanliness in regards to Clean Livestock Policy for slaughtered animals?
C Unacceptable cattle unfit for slaughter because of hide condition. These cattle must not be presented for ante Morton in this condition and it is the responsibility of the food business operator to take the required remedial action to ensure animals are clean
List the five (5) main conformation classes?
Where do Continental Breeds come from?
Give one (1) example of an early maturing beef breed and a late maturing beef breed?
List two (2) examples of what influences quoted factory prices for beef animals?
List the five (5) fat classes payed in the factory?
Where is Ireland’s main export market for Irish beef?
What is meant by an animal being mature or reached maturity?
What is the Quality Payment System (QPS) designed to give?
List one (1) primary objective of the Sustainable Beef and Lamb Assurance Scheme?
Charolais cattle are classed as an early maturing beef breed.’’ Is this statement True or False?
False. Late maturing breed.
What is Genomics?
The analysis of an animal’s dna to predict how it will breed in the future.
What are the three main breeds in Ireland
What is Carcase Gain?
Carcase weight at slaughter divided by the number of days from birth to slaughter.
What is Kill Out percentage?
What are the market requirements for Uk and Europe?
What are the different beef production systems across the country?
Who monitors SBLAS
Bord Bia
What is the goal of the Beef Data and Genomics Program? (BDGPII)