Chapter 6 Flashcards
- What does the acronym “BISS” stand for?
Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS).
- List the three main greenhouse gases related to agriculture?
Carbon Dioxide.
Nitrous Oxide.
- What are the main fertility/breeding targets for suckler herds in Ireland?
To produce a calf per cow per year.
- List the schemes that are provided for in the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation (TAM II/TAM III) Scheme?
Dairy Equipment Scheme
Young Farmer Capital Investment Scheme.
Pig and Poultry Investment Scheme.
- List some of the main variable costs associated with a farm enterprise?
Feeding costs.
Fertliser and Lime.
Contractor and Vet costs
- If a finishing bullock was fed 5 kg of meal per day over a 150 day winter finishing period and meal cost €320 a tonne, what was the total cost of the meal fed to that bullock? (Show Calculation)
- Name one benefit of using the Teagasc eProfit Monitor system to input financial details of a farm?
An eProfit Monitor Analysis reveals how a cattle enterprise reached its profit or loss figure.
- List two performance indicators in relation to a suckling to weanling beef system?
Phyiscal Factors like land area and number of animals.
Animal performance - Average Daily Gain
Target Beef Output -Suckler to Weanling/Store -300/345 (kg/LU)
- What does the acronym “SCEP” stand for in relation to the new Suckler Cow Scheme?
Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme (SCEP)
- Define what the term “Sustainable Development” means in relation to sustainable beef production systems?
“Development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
- Is the following statement true or false?
“Clinical disease is where there is no obvious signs or symptoms, may also be present in the herd and animal performance may be only slightly reduced, so clinical disease is difficult to detect but the hidden cost can be large”.
How to calculate profit?
How to drive profit in Beef production?
How to maximize the proportion of grazed grass in my animals diet?