the first observation of bacteria and protists with a microscope by
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
During these times, scientific authority began to displace religious authority, and several
disciplines considered as legitimate at that time such as alchemy and astrology lost scientific
Scientific Revolution
the groundbreaking work carried out on the detailed analysis of the overall structure of the heart and blood circulation by
William Harvey
the pioneering experiments on
the physical properties of gases by the founder of modern chemistry by
Robert Boyle
Author of On the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin
The term is described as the succession in change of human civilization across history
Waves of Technology
The first wave is
Agricultural Revolution
The beginning of the nineteenth century marks the start of the second revolution – popularly
known as
Industrial Revolution
primarily cultivated for textiles
The third wave of technology is the most recent information revolution or also known as
Computer age
the first Apple computer before Macintosh
Developed by the US Department of Defense for security
purposes, as well as utilized by scientists to communicate each other.
Developed for commercialization, new forms of
communication were introduced such as electronic mail, or popularly called as Email, for a faster
and more convenient tool for communication
World Wide Web
Native Writing System
a sophisticated irrigation system by
indigenous Ifugaos
Banaue Rice Terraces
the oldest watercraft found in the Philippines and is evidence of early Filipino craftsmanship and seamanship skills during pre-colonial times.
Balanghay boat
the first
book printed in the country
Doctrina Christiana
was first published book in 1763
Manual de Medicinas Caseras
Among schools built during this era is the Universidad de San Ignacio (1590) which is now known as the
University of Santo Tomas
A new social class that came to be known as or the enlightened was formed from the
increasing number of educated, affluent young Filipinos who were able to study in Europe and become
influenced by scientific ideals
known as one of the fiercest army generals who fought in the Philippine–
American War
General Antonio Luna
The Science and Technology Agenda for National Development (STAND) during the term of Presiden
Fidel V. Ramos
mobilized the Harmonized National Research and
Development Agenda (HNRDA) which focused on building technological self-reliance, inclusive growth,
and disaster risk reduction.
President Benigno Aquino
provided science scholarships to help increase the
productivity from Science, Technology, and Innovations (STI).
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo