Chapter four-six Flashcards
What is homogenization?
The process by which cultures become more alike in terms of values, attitudes, beliefs, customs, language, and traditions
What is assimilation?
The process by which a minority culture adopts a dominant culture and is absorbing into it, often involves the loss of language
What is french immersion school?
A school designed to teach french to students whose first language is not french, large part is taught in french
What is marginalization?
Putting a group of people in a lower or powerless position within society
What is accomodation?
Making adjustments or reaching compromises to allow for differences
What is integration?
Providing equal opportunity for participation of different groups in society
What is migration?
The movement of people from one region or country to another
What is acculturation?
a change in an individual or a group that results from contract with another group
What is urbanization?
Thee processes by which so many people move into rural areas close to existing cities that these areas become urban
What is metropolis?
a large, busy city, especially the main city of a country or region
What is a megacity?
An urban cantre with a population of 10 million or more
What is a hyphenated Canadian?
a person who identifies his/her ethnic origin as Canadian along with the ethnic origin of his/her ancestors
What is a Acadian?
Francophone descendant of the early French colonists in Atlantic Canada
What is affirmation?
A positive, assertive action
What is cultural revitalization?
An effort to restore new life to a culture