Chapter Five Flashcards
the part of your brain that helps regulate stress responses
Prefrontal Cortex:
the part of your brain that controls your impulses, thoughts, and memory.
Retail Therapy:
the shopping people do when they’re upset to uplift their mood.
The impulse purchase cycle:
your brain receives marketing signals, your amygdala enters the driver’s seat and your prefrontal cortex goes offline, you feel an adrenaline and cortisol surge, you decide to purchase, you feel a dopamine boost, your brain goes back to normal, you feel buyer’s remorse.
Impulse buying:
buying anything without planning to do so in advance
Buyer’s Remorse:
a feeling of guilt, regret, or unease after making a purchase.
the belief that spending money and buying things is good for the economy
Online marketing strategies used:
retargeting, content marketing, influencer marketing, snack videos, and native advertising.
the process of communicating the value of a service or product to customers
Brand recognition:
the public’s ability to recall and recognize a brand by its logo, jingle, packaging, or name
Some of the top strategies companies use to get you to spend more:
item placement, personal selling, brand association, sales and promotions, and convenient paying methods.
Manufacturer’s Warranty
a promise from the manufacturer that a product will be replaced or repaired if it’s fault
Extended Warranty:
extra coverage for the repair or replacement of items purchased
Opportunity Cost:
the financial opportunity that is lost when you choose to do something else with your money
Card Fraud:
the unauthorized use of your debit or credit card number and PIN or the forging of your signature
Identity Theft:
the act of fraudulently gaining and using the personal information of someone else, usually for financial gain
the state of being satisfied with who you are and what you have in life
It takes ________________________ to return back to your normal state of mind after entering flight, fight, or freeze response.
20 - 30 minutes
Your brain is always asking three questions:
am I safe? Do I belong? Does this feel good?