Chapter Eight Flashcards
Who were the Prime Ministers after Liverpool’s resignation 1827?
Canning (who died) and Goderich (who resigned) in 1827, then Wellington in 1828 for 2 years.
What were Liverpool’s skills that were missed by the new Ministers?
He held together his cabinet, full of diverse and strong personalities. After Liverpool’s resignation, divisions amongst the Tory hierarchy became apparent as the party disintegrated.
What were the different factions amongst the Tory party which became apparent after Liverpool’s resignation?
The Tories (industrial growth), Traditional Tories (economic and administrative reform but not religious), Pro-Corn Law Faction (Agriculturalists, concerned with sliding scale) and the Ultra Tories (extreme traditional tories anti-reform), .
When did George IV die?
- William IV was next on the throne, prompting a general election which favoured the Whigs.
What was the position of reform within England after the 1830 election?
There was a renewed interest in Parliamentary reform, supported by the Whigs
What critical act was passed in 1829 which caused the final division of the Tory party?
Catholic Emancipation, an issue forced upon the government due to the County Clare election. This led to the breakup of Pitt’s coalition.
What were the Test and Corporation Acts?
Ensured that anyone who held a position in a municipal office had to be confirmed into the Anglican Church.
What was the Repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts?
- Pro-repeal group were led by Lord John Russell.. It was believed it would lead the way to Catholic Emancipation.
What was the Sliding Scale?
Proposed by Huskisson in 1828, pulled through by Peel in 1829. Meant that as the price of home corn rose, the duty of foreign corn would fall.
What did Peel found in 1829?
The Metropolitan Police, to reverse the upwards trend of crime rates, particularly in London, due to his Penal Code reform causing increased crime. It took years to establish an efficient police force, but this formed the basis of our modern system. The existing system of policing was inadequate and often corrupt.
What did O’Connell found in 1823?
The Catholic Association, to take up the emancipation cause and repeal the Act of Union. Due to its effectiveness, it was made illegal.
What was the County Clare election?
Called in 1828, to enable Protestant Landlord Fitzgerald to take a position in Wellington’s Cabinet. Daniel O’Connell, however won.
What were the fears behind O’Connell’s victory in the County Clare election?
The situation in Wellington’s government was tense, as it was possible that Catholics would stand for every Irish seat. Feared civil unrest in Ireland. It would be difficult to refuse the seat without causing much opposition and outrage.
Despite O’Connell’s victory, what actions did Wellington’s government make which angered the Catholics?
The Catholic Association was banned, the franchise in Ireland was decreased by raising the amount it cost to vote to £10 which took the vote away fro Catholic smallholders. Wellington insisted O’Connell stood again for election, as the previous one was illegal. Soured Irish opinion.
What was the aftermath of Catholic Emancipation 1829 for the Tory party?
Disastrous as most felt betrayed by Wellington. Peel resigned due to taunts of cowardice.