Chapter A study guide Flashcards
which body system is responsible for the regulation of a person’s breathing?
You have transferred care of a 21-year-old woman who overdosed on an unknown drug. For the patient, which best describes who is permitted access to the prehospital care report (PCR)
The health care provider assuming care of patient
A patient with a stoma and tracheostomy tube is responsive to painful stimuli. He has shallow respirations and is breathing at a rate of 6 times per minute. He has cyanosis of the fingertips and a weak, rapid radial pulse. Which strategy should be used in providing respiratory care to this patient?
Attach the bag-valve-mask device directly to tracheostomy tube
which statement accurately describes the concept of body mechanics
Body mechanics refers to methods that promote using your body in the safest and most efficient way when moving objects or patients
A 46-year-old man who is conscious and has the capacity to make a rational decision is refusing treatment despite crushing chest pain and shortness of breath. He states that the hospital will not do anything for him and he does not want you to treat or transport him. The EMT should recognize that the
patient has right to refuse treatment.
Your coworkers would like to purchase a scoop (orthopedic) stretcher with some grant money. Before the purchase can be authorized, you have been asked to inform the purchasing committee of how this piece of equipment will benefit the service as well as enhance patient care. Your response would be:
Good for confined spaces
Which statement shows that the EMT has a good understanding of her role and responsibilities related to being an EMT?
my safety comes first and then the patient
Which oxygen administration systems will provide the patient with the greatest amount of oxygen?
non-breather mask at 15 LPM
A patient with diabetes has an elevated blood sugar (545 mg/dL) and, based on your assessment of his condition, will require an injection of insulin. Your EMT partner also has diabetes and administers insulin injections to himself throughout the day as needed. Although the Scope of Practice lists nothing about EMTs giving insulin, your partner administers the insulin injection to the patient. The patient’s blood sugar comes down and her condition improves. Given this information, which statement is true?
Partner violated scope of practice
You have been asked to sit on your service’s quality improvement (QI) committee. As a knowledgeable EMT, you recognize that in this role you will be involved in projects that are primarily designed to:
Develop ways in which the delivery of emergency care can be improved
In preparing the schedule, you have been instructed to pair EMTs in a way that decreases the chance of injury when lifting and moving patients. Given this directive, who would make the best partner for a tall and very strong EMT
A tall and very strong EMT
What role does the federal communication commission (FCC) play in EMS
FCC establishes and enforces regulations related to the use of radio operations
Which patient may be treated under the guideline of implied consent?
An obese patient cannot ambulate and must be carried down several flights of stairs. Carrying the patient alone exceeds your physical capabilities; however, your partner is very strong and physically fit. Which statement, made by you, indicates the best means to safely lift and move the patient as well as minimize the likelihood of either of you suffering an injury?
We will call for assistance
Which phrase best illustrates the EMT using the summary technique of therapeutic communication with a patient experiencing depression
From your story it seems that you have been depressed for several weeks now
Which statement indicates that the EMT has an accurate understanding of the bronchioles?
Small passages located in the lower airway that have smooth muscle surrounding them.
You have been dispatched to a residence for an 88-year-old female who is in and out of consciousness. The family provides you with a valid “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) order. Assessment of the patient shows her to be very confused with a low blood pressure and low oxygen level. Which action would be appropriate given the situation?
Amisnter supplemental oxygen
You have been called to a home for an alert and oriented female with terminal lung cancer. At the home, the daughter, who has her mother’s durable power of attorney, states that she wants her mother transported to the hospital. The patient, who is alert and oriented, does not want to go. Which statement indicates that the EMT is acting both appropriately and legally in this conflict?
I know that you are the durable power of attorney, but your mother is alert and oriented so we cannot legally take her against her will.
What action best indicates that informed consent has been obtained?
patient agrees to oxygen therapy after being told it may decrease chest pain but may dry nose causing discomfort
You have been called for a 2-year-old female with an arm injury. The child presents with deformity and bruising to her left forearm. When asked, the mother states that the child fell from the bed, but the father states that his daughter fell down the stairs. Given the inconsistent stories, you are suspicious of child abuse. Which narrative would be most appropriate when documenting this situation?
patient fell off bed injuring left arm per mother. pt fell down stairs injuring left arm per father
You are doing CPR on a male patient who is unresponsive, not breathing, and pulseless. Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) were on scene first and applied the AED, which did not deliver a shock to the patient. The patient’s wife is crying and asks how her husband is doing. Your response would be:
Right now he is not breathing and his heart rate is not beating, but we are doing everything we can.
When using your portable radio, you must push the “press to talk” button and wait one second before speaking. This is essential to effective communication because your EMS system uses:
Which statement regarding a PCR is accurate?
aside from providing a record of the care given the PCR may also be used for education
A male EMT was discussing a patient’s medical condition with a female EMT from a different service. The woman then repeated this information to others, which eventually made its way back to the patient. Regarding issues of confidentiality, which of the statements would be is true?
violated HIPPA
You have been called for a patient who has overdosed on drugs and alcohol. The patient is responsive to painful stimuli, has shallow respirations and is breathing at a rate of 8 times per minute, but exhibits no cyanosis. What is the priority treatment?
Inadequate breathing start PPV with supplemental oxygen
Which patient is appropriately positioned for transport?
Alert 67 year old women with nausea in sitting position
If a patient with chest pain takes a daily aspirin, your medical director wants the EMT to contact an emergency department physician first before administering additional aspirin. The act of contacting the emergency department physician by phone or radio for permission to administer additional aspirin is an example of:
Online medical direction
What is an effective way to improve communication with patients from most cultures?
Maintain eye contact
Which statement best summarizes the underlying benefit of using evidence-based medicine?
allows the use of research and evidence in determining which care is effective
How should the EMT respond when first making contact with an alert and oriented patient who complains of chest pain?
My name is Charles Smith and I am an EMT. Can I help you?
A patient with chest discomfort has the following vital signs: pulse, 88; respirations, 14 breaths/min; blood pressure, 154/84 mmHg; and SpO2, 97% on room air. In this situation, the EMT would address oxygen therapy by:
NO oxygen
A 62-year-old male is short of breath. The EMT asks the patient if it would be okay to assess him, including taking his vital signs. The patient agrees by nodding the head “yes.” As such, which is true?
Expressed consent
Despite a patient’s protest that he does not want his blood pressure taken, the EMT places a BP cuff on his arm and takes his blood pressure. The EMT states: “See? It is just as I suspected–your blood pressure is sky high. You really need to be seen in the emergency department.” The patient states he did not realize that his blood pressure was that high. In terms of battery, which statement is true?
The pt could charge EMT with battery, regardless of blood pressure reading
In which situation would the Good Samaritan law protect the EMT?
Off-duty emt stops at scene of collision and provides proper care, but pt dies anyway
Why is the jaw-thrust maneuver indicated for a patient with a possible spinal injury?
manipulates head and cervical spine less then head-tilt chin-lift maneuver
Which immunization should the EMT receive annually
Which statement reflects the most appropriate way to alert a receiving hospital that you are en route with a patient?
St. Elizabeth hospital, this is BLS ambulance 104. How do you copy?
Which statement shows an accurate understanding of the legal aspects of the prehospital care report (PCR)
may be subpoenaed even if lawsuit centers on alleged negligence that occurred in ED
Two days after a call, you realize that you forgot to document that you checked a patient’s blood glucose prior to him refusing transport and signing the refusal form. At that time, you did contact medical direction and provide this information to the doctor, prior to him authorizing the patient to refuse. What is now your best course of action?
Add an addendum to the report with the correct info, current date and EMT initials
When completing a primary assessment, what would be a good indication that the patient has an open airway
Pt speaks with ease
You and your partner are preparing to move a trauma patient down a flight of stairs using a portable stretcher. As you begin the move, a third EMT shows up and asks to help. Which instructions would be most appropriate to ensure a safe move for both the patient and crew?
please stand behind the EMT at the foot end and count steps
Your paramedic partner has applied continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to a patient in respiratory distress from congestive heart failure (CHF). As an EMT, you realize that this treatment should benefit the patient by
Displacing fluid in the alveoli back into the bloodstream
When a person’s diaphragm contracts and the intercostal muscles pull the ribs upward, what will occur relative to the exchange of air and/or gases
Air will flow into the lungs
The EMT shows understanding of the standard of care when he states:
measure of whether the right assesment and care have been provided to the pt
A tornado ripped through a small town, killing 5 people and seriously injuring 21, including several young children. At a defusing session, which action is most appropriate?
allow rescuers to vent their emotions
A prehospital care report reads: “GSW to LLQ.” Based on this, you should recognize that the patient sustained a(n)
Gunshot wound to lower left abdomen
Which statement is most appropriate to relay after establishing radio contact with the destination emergency department to which you are transporting a patient
en route to your facility with 73 year old male complaining of dizziness
A patient has fallen in his upstairs bathroom and is lying on the floor. Assessment indicates no life threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation; however, the patient does have pain, deformity, and bruising to his right hip. In this situation, the EMT should recognize the need for which type of move?
Before the EMT contacts medical direction for authorization to assist a patient with shortness of breath in using her metered-dose inhaler, protocols state that the EMT must first attempt to provide relief by administering oxygen if the pulse oximeter reading is less than 94%. You recognize that the administration of oxygen is best described as a(n):
standing order
While the EMT is inserting an oropharyngeal airway, the patient gags. The EMT should:
remove airway and maintain the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver
Which of these statements is most correct regarding the difference between respiration and ventilation?
Respiration describes as the exchange of 02 and C02 while ventilation describes movement of air that carries them in and out of body
You have worked with the same partner for several years and know him well. Over the past three months, the two of you have had four horrific pediatric calls with death as the outcome of each. Which observation would make you the most suspicious that your partner is experiencing a possible stress reaction that might encumber his ability to work as an EMT?
Excessive and uncharacteristic irritability.
You have just been instructed to stop emergency care on an unresponsive and pulseless 61-year-old man found by his wife in the bathroom. When you tell his wife that there is nothing more that can be done, she erupts in an episode of rage and starts screaming that there must be something else that can be done and you are not doing your job well enough. In this situation, which action is best
be tolerant of angry reaction
You are involved in a lawsuit over a stabbing that occurred six months ago. Since you work in a busy EMS system and some time has passed, your recollection of the incident in spotty. In this situation, your best means of remembering what occurred would be to:
Review the PCP
What is the single best technique that the EMT can use to prevent the spread of infection?
washing hands
The medical director states that it seems as if the number of patients suffering from shortness of breath with a history of congestive heart failure (CHF) has increased. She adds that she is thinking about modifying the protocols, but first must know the number of patients seen with this condition over the past year. To best determine the number of patients treated for this condition, you would
Review previous PCP
The EMT believes that a patient is mildly hypoxic based on findings from the primary assessment. Which other sign could the EMT use to confirm his suspicion of mild hypoxia?
An ambulance with two EMTs arrives in front of a house for an unknown medical emergency. On scene, bystanders report that a female patient was beaten by her husband in the driveway and then dragged back into the house. They state that the patient appeared unconscious and was bleeding from the head. Which action would the EMTs perform next?
do not enter scene until it has been controlled by law enforcement
As an EMT, which requirement must be met so that you can provide routine and emergency medical care to the sick and injured, as an extension of the medical director’s authority?
service medical director
What is a primary purpose of the modern-day EMS system?
decrease the incidence of death and disability to and from hospital
A large female patient has fallen in a parking lot between two cars. She must be moved on the backboard to the waiting stretcher, which is located approximately 200 feet from your location. Four rescuers are present. How would they best be used to promote the safest movement of the patient?
one at head, one at feet and the other two on opposite sides
When lifting the stretcher with a patient secured to it, the EMT must avoid which action?
bending over at the waist
An Emergency Medical Responder comes to you and states that he would like to work for your emergency ambulance service on a full-time basis. Knowing the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, you inform him of which element?
first have to become a EMT
What would be considered an objective patient assessment finding
Blood pressure 114/68 mmHg
After a patient, who is short of breath, signs a refusal of service form, which statement would be appropriate prior to leaving the residence?
if you change your mind at any time and want to be transported to the hospital, call 911
A distraught husband awoke to find his 26-year-old wife not breathing and cold to the touch. Since your assessment indicates that the woman has been dead for some time, you contact medical direction for authorization to withhold emergency care. The medical director agrees and the coroner is notified. At this time, your immediate responsibility is:
Provide supportive care to the husband
Which rationale best explains the reason for wearing a high-visibility safety vest at the scene of a motor vehicle collision?
use of vest can increase your visablity to passing drivers at the scene
You are treating a patient with active tuberculosis. What will afford you the best protection from the disease while you care for the patient?
high efficiency particulate aspirator mask
Which position would be most appropriate for an alert and oriented patient complaining of shortness of breath?
postion of comfort, usually sitting up
A woman calls the station and asks if you transported a patient named Patricia Gardner earlier in the day. She says that she is her friend and wants to know if she is okay. An appropriate response would be:
although, i dont doubt that you are her friend, I cannot release the info to you