Chapter 93 - Terrible Triad Injuries of the Elbow Flashcards
radial head function in elow stability
secondary stabilizer to valgus stress
primary stabilizer to posterolateral stress
coronoid function in elbow stability
primary resrtaint to posterior ulnohumeral translation in flexion >30 degrees
coronoid resection >30% fully destabilizes the elbow if there is a concomitant radial head fracture/resection
outcomes of radial head excision in terrible triad injuries
50% redislocation rate at 2 months in triad injuries without ligament reconstruction
LCL is injured in what percent of terrible triad injuries
100% of terrible triad injuries and it is most often avulsed off the lateral epicondyle with a portion of the common extensors
what portion of the MCL is the priamry restraint to valgus?
anterior bundle of the MCL
- most commonly avulsed off the medial epicondyle
- anterior bundle is ISOMETRIC, that is, it is the same length through fleixon and extension
- it is fight between 30-90degrees of flexion
posterior band of the MCL exhibits the greatest length change from flexion to extension
order of fixation in terrible triad
- radial head orif v replacement
- coronoid fixation
- MCL (rarely needed if everything else is good)
- hinged ex-fix
Kocher interval
More posterior on the elbow
- ECU and anconeus
- distal extension may injure the LCL insertion
- if you use this you can also use the Kaplan (ecrl and EDC) to see anterior and to the coronoid
EDC split for terrible triad
- distal extension may injure the PIN
- allows both radial head and coronoid work thru same split
fixation techniques for coronoid fractures
suture lasso shown to be more stable intraopertively than suture anchor or screw fixation
- screw - increased risk of implant failure
- suture anchor - increased risk of nonunion
anteromedial facet fracture fixation
(less commonly seen in terrible triad - result from a posteromedial varus force rather than the TT posterolateral valgus force)
but must be fixed with a buttress plate
primary complication following ORIF for TT
stiffness, can expect 30-40 degree ROM improvement after contracture release/ROH
what percentage of cases with ex-fix used will result in pin site infection?
intact MCL splint in what?
repaired both lcl and mcl, splint how
neutral rotation
isolated MCL injury (not in a TT but just for remembering), splint how?
full supination
psot op rehab
splint in 90 of flexion for one week then intiate ROM exercises but limit full extension shy of 30 degrees
what is the isometric point of the LUCL
center of the capitellum
2mm anterior to the LE