Chapter 9 Vocab Flashcards
locus, loci
place; passage in literature
loca, locorum
places, region
loci, locorum
passages in literature
morbus, morbi
disease, sickness
studium, studii
eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
hic, haec, hoc
this; the latter; (at times weakened to) he, she, it, they
ille, illa, illud
that; the former; the famous; he, she, it, they
iste, ista, istud
that of yours, that; such (as you have, as you speak of); (sometimes with contemptuous force) that aweful, that despicable, that wretched
alius, alia, aliud
other, another
alii … alii
some … others
alter, altera, alterum
the other (of two), second
neuter, neutra, neutrum
not either, neither
nullas, nulla, nullum
not any, no, none
solus, sola, solum
alone, only, the only
non solum … sed etiam
not only … but also
totus, tota, totum
whole, entire
ullus, ulla, ullum
unus, una, unum
one, single, alone
uter, utra, utrum
either, which (of two)
for, in fact, truly
into, towards, against (+ accusative); (in componds may appear as in-, il-, im-; may have litteral meaning or simply have intensive force)
nimis, nimium
too, too much, excessively; (in a positive sense) exceedingly, very
place; passage in literature
locus, loci
places, region
loca, locorum
passages in literature
loci, locorum
disease, sickness
morbus, morbi
eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
studium, studii
this; the latter; (at times weakened to) he, she, it, they
hic, haec, hoc
that; the former; the famous; he, she, it, they
ille, illa, illud
that of yours, that; such (as you have, as you speak of); (sometimes with contemptuous force) that aweful, that despicable, that wretched
iste, ista, istud
other, another
alius, alia, aliud
some … others
alii … alii
the other (of two), second
alter, altera, alterum
not either, neither
neuter, neutra, neutrum
not any, no, none
nullas, nulla, nullum
alone, only, the only
solus, sola, solum
not only … but also
non solum … sed etiam
whole, entire
totus, tota, totum
ullus, ulla, ullum
one, single, alone
unus, una, unum
either, which (of two)
uter, utra, utrum
for, in fact, truly
into, towards, against (+ accusative); (in componds may appear as in-, il-, im-; may have litteral meaning or simply have intensive force)
too, too much, excessively; (in a positive sense) exceedingly, very
nimis, nimium