Chapter 32 Vocab Flashcards
custodia, custodiae
protection, custody; guards (plural)
exercitus, exercitus
paupertas, paupertatis
poverty, humble circumstances
dives, divitis or ditis (genitive)
rich, wealthy
par, paris (genitive)
equal, like
pauper, pauperis
of small means, poor
provided that, so long as
malo, malle, malui
to want (something) more, instead; prefer
nolo, nolle, nolui
to not … wish, be unwilling
pateo, patere, patui
to be open, lie open; be accessible; be evident
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitum
to offer, provide
promitto, promittere, promisi, promissum
to send forth; promise
volo, velle, volui
to wish, want, be willing, will
protection, custody; guards (plural)
custodia, custodiae
exercitus, exercitus
poverty, humble circumstances
paupertas, paupertatis
rich, wealthy
dives, divitis or ditis (genitive)
equal, like
par, paris (genitive)
of small means, poor
pauper, pauperis
provided that, so long as
to want (something) more, instead; prefer
malo, malle, malui
to not … wish, be unwilling
nolo, nolle, nolui
to be open, lie open; be accessible; be evident
pateo, patere, patui
to offer, provide
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitum
to send forth; promise
promitto, promittere, promisi, promissum
to wish, want, be willing, will
volo, velle, volui