Chapter 9: The Progressives Flashcards
Progressive movement
• aimed to restore economic opportunies & correct social injustices in US
• Progressives believed laws should be modernized to fix the current problems (working conditions, equality, etc)
? helped improve life in US & started focus on women suffrage
• Women’s Christrian Temperance Union led campaign to ban alcoholic beverages in 1874
• reformers believed lower class should improve themselves by improving their morals - drinking being one of them
? appealed to women because it was part of a movement they could actually take part in
• journalists that wrote about the corruption within businesses during the 20th century
• were good if they accurately described problems, bad if the mislead readers
? helped uncover/showcase many problems within large corporations
Reforming elections
• William S. U’Ren prompted Oregon to use secret ballot, the initiative, referendum, & recall
• citizens could petition initiative, which voters could accept/reject, recall let voters removed gov officials through an election
? let voters take bigger part in politics, rather than political machines taking over
17th Amendment
• let voters cast direct vote to elect senators, ratified in 1913
• before 1913, legislature chose positions, which gave wealthy lots of power
? gave voters a bigger voice in the gov
• National American Women Suffrage Association, founded in 1890 & worked to improve womens’ suffrage
• faced opposition from many industries & men feared womens’ changing role in society
? gained voting rights for women in some states
President Theodore Roosevelt
• was VP, then became youngest President after McKinley’s assassination in 1901
• made square deal with business & laborers
? advocated for a balanced economy & conservation of the environment
• Congress had passed Sherman Antitrust Act, but it didn’t have much impact, resulting in trustbusting
• TR filed suits against trusts that hurt public interest
? efforts of trustbusting dissolved some trusts, but didn’t stop businesses from continuing to merge
1902 Coal Strike
• coal miners went on strike to demand higher wages, shorter workday, & the right to organize a union
• with help from Roosevelt & arbitration commission, business & miners reached a compromise
? set example that if a strike threatened public welfare gov should intervene & settle it in an orderly matter
• W.E.B. DuBois & others helped establish the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
• was Progressive because it wanted full equality among all races
? goals were good, but didn’t get much support because Progressive movement focused on middle-class whites
William Howard Taft
• Roosevelt nominated him as the Republican candidate in the 1908 election even though he was very conservative & never really wanted to be President
• did many actions that backtracked Roosevelt’s progressive efforts
? his cautious nature resulted in the Repub party splitting into the Progressives & Conservatives
Woodrow Wilson
• believed in “New Freedom” which supported antitrust legislation, banking reform, & reduced tariffs
• won 1912 election which had his New Freedom, Taft’s conservatism, & Roosevelt’s Progressivism
? victory allowed him to break up trusts & expand gov’s role in social reform
Clayton Antitrust Act
• prohibited corporations from acquiring stock from others if doing so would create a monopoly
• made strikes, peaceful picketing, & boycotts legal
? put limit on monopolies & strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act
16th Amendment
• was ratified in 1913 because tariffs had been reduced & the gov needed to make up for the lost money
• created a graduated federal income tax that taxed individual earnings & corporate profits
? became the gov’s main source of revenue & made more money than tariffs ever did
Federal Reserve Act
• established by Woodrow Wilson & passed in 1913
• divided nation into 12 districts & put a regional bank that could issue new money for loans in each district
? allowed for the amount of money in circulation to be easily monitored/adjusted
19th Amendment
• organizations like NAWSA, the Congressional Union, & National Women’s Party pushed for amendment
• Women helping in WW1 by knitting socks for soldiers, selling liberty bonds, etc was a big push
? gave women right to vote - 72 years after it was first demanded