Chapter 9: TCP/IP Applications Flashcards
A logical stream of data flowing between two programs over a network.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- Enables connection-oriented communication in networks that use the TCP/IP protocol suite.
- Most common type of session
TCP Three-Way Handshake
A three-packet conversation between TCP hosts to establish and start a data transfer session.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Used for the type of sessions that don’t require the overhead of connection-oriented traffic.
Port and Session Type of DHCP
Port 67 (server) and port 68 (client) UDP
Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Synchronizes the clocks of devices on a network.
UDP port 123
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
Enables you to transfer files from one machine to another.
UDP port 69
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
- Used to handle many low level functions such as error reporting.
- Usually request and response pairs
What kind of packets does ping send?
What is the packet called that ping sends out? The one that comes back?
Echo request, Echo reply
If your computer has no route to the address listed, ping will display _________.
Destination Host Unreachable
If you ping a device and no echo reply comes back before the 1-second default time, ping will respond with _______.
Request Timed Out
Ping of Death
A ping that allowed malicious users to send malformed ping packets to your computer and make it crash.
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
Enables routers to communicate with hosts to determine a “group” membership for multicasting.
What is the subnet that multicast addresses use?
Well-known Port Numbers
Reserved for specific TCP/IP applications
Ephemeral Ports
An arbitrary number generated by a sending computer that the receiving computer uses as a destination address when sending a return packet.
Dynamic/Private Port Numbers
Recommended by IANA to use as ephemeral port numbers
Registered Ports
The IANA assigns these ports for anyone to use for their application
A combination of a port number and an IP address that uniquely identifies a connection.
The term used when discussing the data each computer stores about the connection between two computers’ TCP/IP applications.
Shows you the list of endpoints you have connections with.
netstat -a
Tells netstat to show all used ports
netstat -n
Tells netstat to show raw port #’s and IP addresses.