Chapter 9 - Psychology Flashcards
Definition: Goal
A desired aim or outcome; something that you are trying to achieve
What does the acronym SMARTER mean?
Specific - Making your goal clear
Measurable - You can measure if you have achieved it
Agreed - Must discuss with your coach, has to be challenging but achievable
Realistic - A goal that is to difficult will demotivate you
Time-Phased - Should be planned so can help you over short, medium and long term
Exciting - Challenging goals will prevent you from becoming bored
Recorded - You should write your goals somewhere as a reminder and target
Definition: Motivation
The desire required to be succesful; a driving force that makes you do something and decide how much effort you put in
Definition: Intrinsic Motivation
Motivation that comes from doing the activity itself, rather than to gain external rewards or prizes
Definition: Extrinsic Motivation
Motivating forces that come from outside the person and the activity, such as prizes, trophies, praise from others or fame
Definition: Reward
Something awarded to recognise achievements
Definition: Incentive
Something that motivates or encourages someone to do something
Definition: Arousal
An increased level of mental excitement and alertness - readiness to perform a task
Definition: Anxiety
A performers negative reaction to stress, causing them to worry
Definition: Cognitive Anxiety
The mental symptoms that a performer feels, such as fear worry and doubt
Definition: Somatic Anxiety
The physical signs of anxiety that can be termed as ‘butterflies in the stomach’
What are the 3 Symptoms of Producing Adrenalin?
- Increased Heart Rate
- Increased Respiration
- Muscles Tense
Definition: Mental Rehearsal
Running through a skill, sequence or event in your mind, in detail, using all your senses
Definition: Visualisation
‘Seeing’ the best positive outcome for the skill/technique you are about to perform
Difference Between: Mental Rehearsal + Visualisation
Mental Rehearsal = Steps
Visualisation = Outcome
Definition: Introvert
Someone that keeps to themselves - associated with individual sports
Definition: Extrovert
Outgoing personality type - more associated with team sports
Explain: Trait Theory
The idea that people are born with certain inherited characteristics
Explain: Social Learning Theory
The theory that behaviour is learned in a social context, through observation or direct instruction
Explain: Interactionist Theory
The idea that behaviour, beliefs and values are developed through individual and small group interactions