Chapter 9: Pathophysiology Flashcards
An increase in extracellular H+ ions; a blood pH of less than 7.35.
Acquired Immunity
The immunity that occurs when the body is exposed to a foreign substance or disease and produces antibodies to the invader.
Mediators of inflammation trigger the appearance of molecules known as selectins and integrins on the surfaces of endothelial cells and polymorphonuclear neutrophils, respectively.
The attachment of polymorphonuclear neutrophils to endothelial cells, mediated by selectins and integrins.
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
The metabolic acidotic state that manifests because of the inadequate nutritional habits associated with chronic alcohol abuse. The liver and body experience inadequate fuel reserves of glycogen and, thus, have to switch to fatty acid metabolism.
A decrease in extracellular H+ ions; a blood pH greater than 7.45.
Any substance that causes a hypersensitivity reaction.
A hypersensitivity reaction to the presence of an agent (allergen) that is intrinsically harmless.
Anaphylactic Shock
A severe hypersensitivity reaction that involves bronchoconstriction and cardiovascular collapse.
The growth of a ne blood vessels.
A protein secreted by certain immune cells that bind antigens to make them more visible to the immune system.
A foreign substance recognized by the immune system.
Normal, genetically programmed cell death.
A chronic inflammatory lower airway condition resulting in intermittent wheezing and excess mucus production.
An allergic tendency.
A decrease in cell size due to a loss of subcellular components.
Antibodies directed against the person’s own proteins.
The production of antibodies or T cells that work against the tissues of a person’s body, producing autoimmune disease or a hypersensitivity reaction.
Autosomal Dominant
A pattern of inheritance that involves genes that are located on autosomes or the nonsex chromosomes. Inheritance of only one copy of a particular form of a gene is needed to show the trait.
Autosomal Recessive
A pattern of inheritance that involves genes located on autosomes or the nonsex chromosomes. Inheritance of two copies of a particular form of a gene is needed to show the trait.
A slow respiratory rate.
Capillary Refill Time
A test performed on the fingernails or toenails that involves briefly squeezing the toenail or fingernail and evaluating the time it takes for the color to return.
Cardiogenic Shock
A condition by loss of 40% or more of the functioning myocardium; the heart is no longer able to circulate sufficient blood to maintain adequate oxygen delivery.
Carpopedal Spasm
A contorted position of the hand or foot in which the fingers or toes flex in a claw-like manner; may result from hyperventilation or hypocalcemia.
Cell-mediated Immunity
The immune process by which T-cell lymphocytes recognize antigens and then secrete cytokines (specifically lymphokines) that attract other cells or stimulate the production of cytotoxic cells that kill the infected cells.
Central Shock
A type of shock caused by central pump failure, including cardiogenic shock and obstructive shock.
Components of the activated complement system that attracts leukocytes from the circulation to help fight infections.
The movement of additional white blood cells to an area of inflammation in response to the release of chemical mediators, such as neutrophils injured tissues, and monocytes.
Coagulation System
The system that forms blood clots in the body a facilitates repairs to the vascular tree.
Complement System
A group of plasma proteins whose function is to do one of three things: attract leukocytes to sites to do one of three things: attract leukocytes to sites of inflammation, activate leukocytes, and directly destroy cells.
The products of cells that affect the function of other cells.
Distributive Shock
The type of shock caused by widespread dilation of the resistance vessels (small arterioles), the capacitance vessels (small venules), or both.
An alteration in the size, shape, and organization of cells.
Swelling caused by excessive fluid trapped in the body tissues.
A whitish, filamentous protein formed by the action of thrombin on fibrinogen; the protein that polymerizes (bonds) to form the fibrous component of a blood clot.
Fibrinolysis Cascade
The breakdown of fibrin in blood clots and the prevention of the polymerization of fibrin into new clots.
Free Radicals
A molecule that is missing one electron in its outer shell.
General Adaptation Syndrome
A three-stage description of the body’s short-and long-term reactions to stress.
A reaction of bacteria to a Gram stain in which the bacteria do not retain the dark purple stain; this type of bacteria has cell walls that consist largely of lipids, and have pathogenic qualities that make them especially problematic for humans.
A reaction of bacteria to a Gram stain in which the bacteria retain the dark purple stain; this type of bacteria has thick cell walls composed of many layers.
A substance that normally does not stimulate an immune response but can be combined with an antigen and at a later point initiate an antibody response.
Helper T Cells
A type of T lymphocyte that is involved in cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immune responses. It secretes cytokines that stimulate the B cells and other T cells.
An inherited disease in which the body absorbs more iron than it needs and stores it in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas.
Hemolytic Anema
A disease characterized by increased destruction of the red blood cells. It can occur from an Rh factor reaction (primarily in Rh-positive neonates born to sensitized Rh-negative mothers), exposure to chemicals, or a disorder of the immune system.
An inherited sex-linked disorder characterized by excessive bleeding.
A vasoactive amine that increases vascular permeability and causes vasodilation.
Humoral Immunity
A type of immunity in which B-cell lymphocytes produce antibodies called immunoglobulins which recognize a specific antigen and then react with it.
An elevated blood calcium level.
An elevated blood cholesterol level.
An elevated serum potassium level.
An increased serum magnesium level.
A serum sodium level greater than or equal to 143 mEq/L.
An elevated serum phosphate level.
An increase in the actual number of cells in an organ or tissue, usually resulting in an increase in the size of the organ or tissue.
A generic term for responses of the body to a substance to which a patient has increased sensitivity.
An increase in the size of the cells due to synthesis or more subcellular components, leading to an increase in tissue and organ size.
A decrease serum calcium level.
A decrease serum potassium level.
A serum sodium level that is less than or equal to 135 mEq/L.
A condition that occurs when the level of tissue perfusion decreases below that need to maintain normal cellular functions.
A decreased serum phosphate level.
Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
A major pat of the neuroendocrine system that controls reactions to stress. It is the mechanism for a set of interactions among glands, hormones, and parts of the midbrain that mediate the general adaptation syndrome.
Hypovolemic Shock
A condition that occurs when the circulating blood volume is inadequate to deliver adequate oxygen and nutrients to the body.
Immune Response
The body’s defense reaction to any substance that is recognized as foregin.
Immune System
The body system that includes all of the structures and processes designed to mount a defense against foreign substances and disease-causing agents.
An abnormal condition in which some part of the body’s immune system is inadequate and, consequently, resistance to infectious disease is decreased.
An antigen that is capable of generating an immune response.
Antibodies secreted by the B cells.
The number of new cases of a disease in a population.
Inflammatory Response
A reaction by tissues of the body to irritation or injury, characterized by pain, swelling, redness, and heat.
A protein produced by cells in response to viral invasion that is released into the bloodstream or intercellular fluid to induce healthy cells to manufacture an enzyme that counters the infection.
Chemical substances that attract white blood cells to the sites of injury and bacterial invasions.
The formation of antibodies or T cells that are directed against antigens or another person’s cells.
An acidotic state created by the production of ketones via fat metabolism.
Acidic by-products of fat metabolism.
Killer T Cells
The cells released during a type of IV allergic reaction that kill antigen-bearing target cells.
Kinin System
A group of polypeptides that mediate inflammatory responses by stimulating visceral smooth muscle and relaxing vascular smooth muscle to produce vasodilation.
Lactic Acidosis
Anaerobic cellular respiration due to hypoperfusion of tissues and organs.
An elevated white blood cell count, often due to inflammation.
Arachidonic acid metabolites that function as chemical mediators of inflammation; also known as slow-reacting substances or anaphylaxis.
Cytokines released by lymphocytes including many of the interleukins, gamma interferon, tumor necrosis factor beta, and chemokines.
The loss of fluid from the blood vessels into the tissue, causing the blood left in the vessels to have increased viscosity, which in turn slows the flow of blood and produces stasis.
Membrane Attack Complex
Molecules that insert themselves into the bacterial membrane, leading the weakened areas in the membrane.
Metabolic Acidosis
A pathologic condition characterized by a blood pH of less than 7.35 and caused by an accumulation of acids in the body from a metabolic cause.
Metabolic Alkalosis
A pathologic condition characterized by a blood pH of greater than 7.45 and caused by an accumulation of bases int eh body from a metabolic cause.
A reversible, cellular adaptation in which one adult cell types is replaced by another adult cell type.
Number of nonfatality injured or disabled people; usually expressed as a rate, meaning the number of nonfatal injuries in a certain population in a given time period divided by the size of the population.
The quality of being mortal; number of deaths from a disease in a given population.
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)
A grave but sometimes reversible condition in an acutely ill patient characterized by the progressive dysfunction of two or more organs or organ systems not affected by the patient’s initial illness or injury.
Natural Immunity
A nonspecific cellular and humoral response that operates as the body’s first line of defense against pathogens; also called native immunity.
The death of tissue, usually caused by a cessation of the blood supply.
Neurogenic Shock
A type of shock that usually results from spinal cord injury; loss of normal sympathetic nervous system tone and vasodilation occur.
An unhealthy accumulation of body fat, defined as a BMI of greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2.
Obstructive Shock
The type of shock that occurs when blood flow to the heart or great vessels is obstructed.
Decreased urine output.
The process by which an antibody coats an antigen to facilitate its recognition by immune cells.
An unhealthy accumulation of body fat, defined as a BMI or 25 to 29.9 kg/m2.
The study of the physiology of altered functioning in the presence of disease.
The delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells, organs, and tissues of the body; also involves the removal of wastes.
Pericardial Tamponade
The impairment of diastolic filling of the right ventricle due to significant amounts of fluid in the pericardial sac surrounding the heart, leading to a decrease in the cardiac output.
Peripheral Shock
Shock caused by peripheral circulatory abnormalities; includes hypovolemic shock and distributive shock.
The cells that engulf and consume foreign material such as microorganisms and debris.
Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils (PMNs)
The type of white blood cells formed by bone marrow tissue that have a nucleus consisting of several parts or lobes connected by fine strands.
Frequent and plentiful urination.
The number of cases of a disease in a specific population within a given period.
A group of lipids that act as chemical messengers.
Chemicals or proteins that travel to the brain and affect the hypothalamus and stimulate a rise in the body’s core temperature.
A specialized area in tissue that initiates certain actions after specific stimulation.
Respiratory Acidosis
A pathologic condition characterized by a blood pH of less than 7.35 and caused by an accumulation of acids in the body from a respiratory cause.
Respiratory Alkalosis
A pathologic condition characterized by a blood pH of less than 7.45 and caused by an accumulation of bases int eh body from a respiratory cause.
Septic Shock
The type of shock that occurs as a result of a widespread infection, usually bacterial; untreated, the result of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and often death.
A vasoactive amine that increases vascular permeability to cause vasodilation.
Serum Sickness
A condition in which antigen-antibody complexes formed in the bloodstream deposit in sites around the body, most notably the kidneys, with resultant inflammatory reactions.
Transmigration (diapedesis)
The polymorphonuclear neutrophils permeate through the vessel wall, moving into the interstitial space.
Multiple small, raised areas on the skin that may be one of the warning signs of impending anaphylaxis; also known as hives.
An inflammation of the blood vessels.
Vasoactive Amines
Substances such as histamines and serotonin that increase vascular permeability.
A measure of the disease-causing ability of microorganism.