Chapter 9 Part 1: Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
Pterygiophores (basal and radial):
skeletal elements that suppirt fin rays; basal is larger bones while radial are consistent, long thin bones
Fin rays
2 types: Ceratotrichia and Lepidotrichia
Ceratotrichia fin rays
composition made up of keratin, example is shark; very thin rays
composition made up of bone, example in bowfin
skeletal part of forelimb upper arm and/or hindlimb thigh
skeletal parts of forelimb forearm and/or hindlimb shank(crus)(lower part of limb)
skeletal parts of forelimb manus(wrist-palm-fingers) and/or hindlimb Pes(ankle-sole-toes); what could be known as foot/hand
What is the primary function of paired pectoral and pelvic fins?
o They are used to control: steering
- use Yaw, Roll, and Pitch
side-to-side motion (primarily dorsal and anal fins)
rotation around the long axis of the body
dorsal/ventral (up/down) deviation from level
Define the difference between an archipterygial fin and a metapterygial fin.
2 types of fins, difference seen in images; arch. has skeletal system down middle, while meta does not
Archipterygial fin: has preaxial and postaxial radials
Metapterygial fin: only preaxial radials
Name the 2 hypotheses for the origin of paired appendages
Gill-arch hypothesis and Fin-fold hypothesis
Gill-arch hypothesis
Paired appendages arose from modified gill arches; Archipterygial fin derived from gill rays
What is not explained by the Gill-arch hypothesis?
The appearance of a posterior pelvic girdle distantly placed from the gill arches
The presence of dermal bone in the pectoral girdle
The different embryologies of pectoral girdle and gill arches
Fin-fold hypothesis
Pectoral and pelvic fins develop from pair of elongate ventral fold
How might the expression of the genes Tbx, Engrailed-1, and Shh be able to explain the development of fins under the fin-fold hypothesis?
Hypothetical ancestor with lateral fin-folds
T-box gene (Tbx) expressed within the domain of the patterning gene Engrailed-1
Duplication of Tbx = anterior fin development (Tbx5), posterior fin development (Tbx4)
Between the two, the flank is undifferentiated
The acquisition of Shh promotes the outward growth of the fins from the body wall, a feature carried into tetrapods.
How does the postaxial component of the zeugopodium contribute to the developing limb under the fin-fold hypothesis?
The postaxial element (ulna/fibula) branches to form the carpals or tarsals and the digital arch, which yields the fingers and toes
How is the fin-fold hypothesis related to the metapterygial stem of the metapterygial fin?