Chapter 9: Norms and Conformity Flashcards
descriptive social norms
agreed upon mental representations of what a group of people think, feel, or do
injunctive social norms
agreed upon mental representations of what a group of people should think, feel, or do
convergence of individuals’ thoughts, feelings, or behaviour toward a social norm
private conformity
private acceptance of social norms
public conformity
overt behaviour consistent with social norms that are not privately accepted
false consensus effect
tendency to overestimate others’ agreement with one’s own opinions, characteristics, and behaviours
informational influence
process by which group norms are privately accepted to achieve/ maintain mastery of reality
normative influence
process by which group norms are privately accepted to achieve/ maintain connectedness and a valued social identity
reference group
those people accepted as an appropriate source of information for a judgement because they share the attributes relevant for making that judgement
group polarization
process by which a group’s initial average position becomes more extreme following group interaction
group decision making that is impaired by the drive to reach consensus regardless of how the consensus is formes
pluralistic ignorance
occurs when everyone publicly conforms to an apparent norm that no one in fact privately accepts