Chapter 9 Leading oneself Flashcards
A leopard cannot change its spots – can we?
Two Approaches, essentially:
- Personality training:
Changing our behaviour and attitude. - Building on the fundaments of character:
Examine our views and values, build principle-centred habits.
The Fundaments of Character:
- Integrity
- Truthfulness
- Justice
- Humility
- Temperance
- Patience
- Fidelity
- Courage
- Industry
- simplicity
- modesty
- golden rule
Paradigms, Mental Models:
A reflection of our values, formed through conditioning experiences.
Most of us are not even remotely aware of them.
We rarely question their accuracy.
We interpret everything that happens through them.
They determine our behaviour.
Understand your world views:
Enquiring how we arrived our perspective in the first place.
Make a conscious decision on whether our world views needs to change.
Work on our character, inside-out: Behaviour follows Character.
Deep, fundamental, classic, generic truths.
Interwoven threads running with exactness, consistency, beauty, and strength through the fabric of life.
Correct principles do not change.
Self-Awareness in the “Social Mirror“
Genetic Determinism: Our DNA
Psychic Determinism: Our childhood
Psychic Determinism: Our environment
Proactive model
Stimulus, Proactiveness, Response:
Stimulus -> Freedom to choose: self-awareness, imagination, conscience, independent will
-> response
Proactivity defined:
Literally: taking initiative.
Taking responsibility for one‘s life. Response-ability!
Behavior a function of decisions, not conditions.
Feelings subordinated to values.
Reactivity defined:
Letting circumstances control us, by decision or by default.
Building one’s emotional life around the behaviour of others.
Instincts and impulses override values.
Reactive vs. Proactive Language:
Reactive That‘s just the way I am. He makes me so mad. They won’t allow that. I have to do that. I can’t. If only…
vs Proactive I can find a different approach. I control my own feelings. Let’s look at our alternatives. I will choose an appropriate response.
Begin with the End in Mind
Start with a clear understanding of your
The ladder of success may be leaning
against the wrong wall.
It is possible to be very active and busy -
without being effective.
All Things are Created Twice:
There is a mental or first creation, and
there is a physical, or second creation for
all we undertake.
The extend to which we are able to begin
with the end in mind often determines
success or failure.
By Design or Default:
We are either the second creation of our own proactive design, or we are the second creation of other people’s agenda, of circumstances, or of past habits.
Time Management Techniques
- Notes and Checklists as reminder.
- Calendar for efficient scheduling.
- Setting and accomplishing goals.
- Organizing and Executing around
Time Management Matrix
Quadrant 1: Urgent & Important
Quadrant 2: Not urgent & Important
Quadrant 3: Urgent & Not Important
Quadrant 4: Not urgent & Not important