Chapter 9: Introduction to Colour Flashcards
Why is the presence of colour important?
- Aesthetic importance (ex. brightly coloured flowers)
- evolutionary importance (ex. Identifying plump berries by their bright colours)
What is a spectral power distribution?
- Every light source has one
- The intensity of light at each wavelength for that specific light source.
- Can vary for many different lights
Heterochromatic light vs. monochromatic light?
- Heterochromatic light = the light source contains more than one wavelength
- Monochromatic light = the light source contains only one wavelength (ex. lasers)
T/F: White light is a form of monochromatic light.
- White light contains equal intensities and frequencies of all wavelengths of light
What’s spectral reflectance?
- The amount of light of each wavelength that a surface reflects
What’s selective reflection?
- The degree to which some wavelengths are reflected or absorbed by an object
- Determined by the molecular structure of objects
- The more wavelengths an object reflects, the muddier the colour of the object will appear
What’s spectral transmission?
- The amount of light of each wavelength that a surface transmits through
What two factors play roles in our perception of colour?
- Our perception of colour is determined by the light source’s spectral power distribution and the objects spectral reflectance.
What are the three dimensions of colour?
- Hue (often referred to simply as colour)
- Saturation (the vividness/purity/intensity of a colour)
- Brightness (how white-ish or black-ish the colour is)
What are the physical correlates of the three perceptual dimensions of colour?
- Hue = wavelengths of light
- Saturation = Degree of heterochromaticity
- Brightness = Overall amount of light reflected
What are non-spectral purple hues?
- Hues that must be created by combining wavelengths (heterochromatic) as opposed to the other monochromatic (spectral) hues
What’s subtractive colour mixing?
- Occurs in materials such as paints
- Each component of the mixture absorbs (subtracts) some wavelengths of white light
- Only the wavelengths that are reflected by all components of the mixture will be used to determine the final colour
- Same goes for selectively transmitted wavelengths (only the wavelengths transmitted by all components of the mixture will be transmitted by the final mixture)
What’s additive colour mixing?
- Occurs when combining lights on a screen.
- Adding together all the wavelengths of the different lights being reflected
- All of the light reflected by each light alone will also be reflected when mixed.
Who developed the trichromatic colour theory and how did they do it?
- Developed by Thomas Young (came up with the idea) and Herman Von Helmholtz (popularized the idea)
- Performed metameric colour-matching experiments (metamers = any two stimuli that are physically different but perceptually the same) - participants were given a test colour (monochromatic light) and then were provided three lights and had to combine these lights to match the test colour (additive colour mixing)
- Any three colours could be used, they just couldn’t be the same as the monochromatic light
What were the results from the Young-Helmholtz metameric colour-matching experiments?
- People needed a combination of three wavelengths in the comparison field to match any monochromatic light
- Able to create some colours with 2 wavelengths, but not all of them
- Concluded, we must have three types of colour receptors that are sensitive to different wavelengths of light
What are some of the physiological evidence supporting trichromatic colour theory?
- George Wald found a way to measure the absorption spectra of photopigments in the retina. Discovered there are three types of cones each with their photopigments. The difference between all three is the opsin part of the molecular structure.
- Retinal Densitometry - hi-resolution images of the retina where you can identify the three types of cones
What are the relative ratios of the three types of cones among humans?
- For most people, about 5% of their cones are s-cones (short-wavelength cones)
- The proportion of medium and long wavelength cones can vary greatly
What’s the principle of univariance?
- Once a photon is absorbed, it causes the same response (i.e., an action potential) regardless of its original wavelength.
- In other words, all info about wavelength is lost once the receptor fires
- That’s why we must have three different receptors since they create enough variation for us to differentiate between hues
What would happen if we only had one type of cone?
- This would mean that all wavelengths could cause the same firing rate just by adjusting the intensity of the light
- Monochromatic light and heterochromatic light would cause the same pattern of firing
- Would only see shades of grey
What’s monochromatism?
- A colour deficiency where you have no functioning cones (i.e., rod monochromats)
- Means the person is very light-sensitive and have very poor acuity
- Colour-blind (see only shades of grey)
- Occurs 1 in 100 000
What’s dichromatism?
- A colour deficiency where you have only two types of cones, so you have a limited range of colours
- Not colour-blind necessarily but colour-deficient
- Can only create metamers with 2 comparison lights
- 3 different types
What are the three types of dichromatism?
- Protanopia = Missing the L-cone, sex-linked on the X chromosome
- Deuteranopia = Missing the M-cone, sex-linked on the x chromosome
- Tritanopia = Missing the S-cone, extremely rare. Sometimes called blue-green colour deficiency
Why do the effects of protanopia and deuteranopia look very similar?
- Because there’s a lot of overlap between the spectra of the L-cones and M-cones
What’s anomalous trichromatism?
- Still have all 3 cone types but you’re using slightly different combinations to create metamers
- Means you’re not as good at discriminating colours
- Caused by a shifted M-cone and L-cone spectra so they are even closer together
Who was Ewald Hering and why was he important?
- Questioned the accuracy of the trichromatic theory.
- Used phenomenological studies to study perception (focused on subjective experience)
What were the types of studies Ewald Hering conducted?
- Sorting tasks = People tend to sort coloured cards into 4 piles as opposed to three
- Description tasks = Can describe all spectral hues using 4 colour terms (blue, green, yellow, red)
- Afterimages caused by simultaneous colour contrast = surrounding an area with colour changes the perception of the surrounded area (observed specifically in afterimages)
What’s Hering’s Opponent-Process theory?
- We still have three receptor types, each responding oppositely (inhibitory vs. excitatory) to opposite pairs of colours
- Red-green, blue-yellow, black-white (4 colours in three receptors)
- The colours can either elicit an excitatory response or an inhibitory response
What is the physiological evidence supporting the opponent-process theory?
- Opponent neurons = different rates of firing depending on the visual stimulus
- Discovered in the LGN in the 1950s
What’s the dual process theory?
- Unites both the trichromatic theory and the opponent-process theory (both are correct)
- have three cones on the retina
- Opponent-process neurons do exist just not at the level of the receptors. Instead, found in ganglion cells, the LGN, and the visual cortex
- Different patterns of firing are coded in the firing rates of the opponent-process neurons
How is the colour blue perceived under the opponent-process theory?
- The medium and long wavelengths must first go through an amacrine cell, which will send signals to the yellow component of the opponent neuron.
What kinds of opponent cells are found in the visual pathway?
- They can have either center-surround (LGN) or side-by-side (visual cortex) organization
Single-opponent receptive fields vs. double-opponent receptive fields?
- Single-opponent - Excitation for one colour in the excitatory region, inhibition for one colour in the inhibitory region. More common in ganglion cells and the LGN. Useful for colours within an area.
- Double-opponent - Excitation and inhibition for different colours in each region of the receptive field. More common in the visual cortex. Useful for identifying the edges and boundaries between colours
What’s colour constancy?
- The tendency to perceive a surface as having the same colour, despite changes in illumination.
- Changes in illumination cause changes in spectral power distribution
- Ex. think of the rubrics cubes under the blue and yellow light
How do you calculate the wavelengths reflected in the eyes?
- Determined by multiplying the spectral power distribution by the spectral reflectance curve
- i.e., multiplying the values on the y-axis
The wavelengths reflected into the eyes are also referred to as the relative intensity of the wavelengths
How does colour constancy work?
- The mind ‘estimates’ the effect of the SPD
- This process is often referred to as discounting the illuminant
- 3 processes used for estimating the SPD: chromatic adaptation, effects of surroundings, and memory colour
What’s chromatic adaptation?
- Receptors get tired after repeatedly firing to prolonged exposure to a stimulus
- Occurs with all senses, except for pain (the opposite occurs)
- Sensory neurons begin to fire less and less in response to the same stimulus
- Can’t make ourselves continue experiencing the feeling
- For vision, looking out coloured ski goggles is an example. When we take them off, strong after-image effects occur (other receptors that didn’t respond as strongly to the stimulus are ready to fire at full strength once the old stimulus is removed)
How do the effects of the surroundings impact colour constancy?
- Colour constancy works best when there are multiple objects are also present in the scene
- Even better if it’s different objects of different colours
- This means colour constancy is poor for objects in isolation
- Not very good consensus on how surroundings are used (many theories)
What did Uchikawa et al (1989) study come up with in regard to the effects of surroundings on colour constancy?
- They concluded that colour constancy can only occur when the observer can detect the surroundings’ lighting conditions. When they can, we can typically observe colour constancy (i.e., perceive close to the true colour, SPD still influences perception)
What’s memory colour and how does it help with colour constancy?
- Prior knowledge of the typical colours of objects can also influence the perception of colours.
- Can influence the perception of familiar objects
- Also helps the visual system discount the illuminant
What did the Hansen et al (2006) study discover regarding memory colour?
- They showed pictures of fruits or spots of light against a grey background
- Participants were responsible for adjusting the intensity of the fruit or spots of light until it matched the grey background
- Discovered that people who had to adjust the fruit found that there always remained a faint colour compared to the spots of light group
What did the Bornstein et al (1976) study discover regarding infant colour vision?
- They used a habituation task to assess 4-month-old colour vision
- The same stimulus is repeatedly shown to a baby. As it becomes more familiar, they look at it less. They used this trick to assess colour vision and colour categorization
- habituated children to one wavelength, tested against one of two novel wavelengths
- One of the two wavelengths was a completely different colour, while the other was just a different shade but the wavelengths were still equidistant from one another
- Discovered that dishabituation occurred for 480 nm, but not for 540 nm
- Suggests that colour categorization is the same for babies and adults
- babies also understand that they are crossing a colour boundary, even though the wavelengths are equidistant
What are the different forms of colour blindness commonly referred to? Are any of these slightly misleading?
- Protanopia and deuteranopia = red-green colour blindness (can’t see these colours)
- Tritanopia = commonly referred to as blue-yellow colour blindness, but should instead be referred to as blue-green colour deficiency (makes sense since the s-cones cover the blue and green segments)