Chapter 11: Audition Flashcards
What do the distal and proximal stimuli refer to?
- Distal - The thing in the world that is capturing your attention
- Proximal - The physical phenomenon that impinges on sensory receptor cells
What are longitudinal sound waves?
- Waves that are represented by the compression and rarefaction of air/gas/liquid molecules
- Compression is sometimes referred to as condensation
- The air molecules are not moving, just being displaced (back and forth) for a short period
What are the air dynamics for compression and rarefaction?
- Compression: high density, low volume
- Rarefaction: low density, high volume
How are pure tones represented?
- Pure tone = a simple sound wave. Can be generated by tuning forks or computers, usually very rare in nature
- Changes in pressure described by a sine wave
- Air pressure found on the y-axis, time found on the x-axis
What are the two primary properties found in a simple sound wave?
- Frequency - Number of times per second that the entire pattern of pressure changes. Measured in Hertz. Determines the perception of pitch
- Amplitude - Difference between max and min pressure in a sound wave. Measured in decibels. Determines the perception of loudness
What formula relates sound pressure to decibels?
dB = 20xlog(P/P knot)
What decibel level is painful? Which one can lead to permanent hearing loss?
- 120 dB is painful
- 130 dB can lead to permanent hearing loss
What’s the ratio of increases in decibel levels compare to that of perceived loudness?
- Increases of 10dB are usually perceived as 2x louder.
- Ex. 50 dB is 8x louder than 20dB (2x2x2)
- Only occurs when they’re the same frequencies of sound
What are audibility curves?
- Suggests that we can hear some frequencies better than others
- Plot the minimum amplitude required to detect varying frequencies
- Indicate that we are most sensitive between 2000-4000Hz, as these sounds don’t have to be very loud for us to detect them.
What are equal-loudness curves?
- Indicate the sound levels (amplitudes) needed to create the same perception of loudness at different frequencies
- The curves are not perfectly parallel to one another
What are fundamental frequencies?
- Determine a sound’s pitch
- They are whole number multiples of the following harmonics
- Often represented by the lowest frequency in a complex waveform, which then determines the proceeding intervals for the following overtones.
- “1st harmonic”
How are complex tones different from pure tones?
- Pure tone: Simple sound wave. Changes in pressure described by sine wave. Very rare in real life
- Complex tone: Made up of several pure tones added together. Have a much more complex wave form.
What’s a Fourier analysis?
- A breakdown of a complex waveform into its constituent pure tones
- Each pure tone has its own frequency and amplitude
- The proceeding harmonics are just whole-number multiples of the fundamental frequency
- Original pitch is always determined by the fundamental frequency
What’s the main explanation for differences in timbre? What’s another explanation?
- Mainly associated with differences in the complex waveform, where some harmonics may be absent
- Also associated with an instrument’s attack and decay:
*Attack = time it takes to reach the max amplitude at the beginning of a tone
*Decay = the decrease in sound at the end of a tone (eg. a piano has a very rapid attack, while a violin is the opposite)
What happens when we remove the fundamental frequency from a tone?
- There’s no change in the perceived pitch since the fundamental frequency is still found in the intervals between each proceeding harmonic
- Often referred to as the “illusion of the missing fundamental”
What parts consist of the outer ear?
1)Pinna - Involved in sound localization. Collects sound waves into the ear.
2) Auditory canal - the wax and distance help protect the eardrum and keep the inner ear at a relatively constant temperature compared to the outside world. Also has a resonance effect for certain sound frequencies, helps amplify them
3) Tympanic membrane (‘eardrum’) - Airtight diaphragm that vibrates with any change in air pressure, which is caused by sound waves. Transmits vibrations to the ossicles.
What parts consist of the middle ear?
Its role is to separate the outer and inner ear
1) Ossicles - Malleus (‘hammer’), Incus (‘anvil’), Stapes (‘stirrup’). Connect the tympanic membrane to the oval window, also increase the pressure factor onto the oval window by 20x
2) Middle ear muscles - Connected to the ossicles, they help protect our ears from very loud sounds, but not super effective. When they contract, they pull on the ossicles to dampen their movement. Referred to as the acoustic reflex. Better for low-frequency noises
3) Eustachian tube - Connects middle ear to upper throat area. Briefly opened by yawning, swallowing etc. Helps equalize pressure between middle ear and outer ear for the tympanic membrane to be able to vibrate properly
Why is it important that the ossicles centralize the force from the tympanic membrane onto the oval window of the cochlea by such a large factor?
- The inner ear is filled with a very dense fluid, so it requires a lot more energy to cause displacements in the fluid found in the cochlea, that’s why the vibrations from the tympanic membrane are centralized onto one area.
What are the different parts of the cochlea?
1) Vestibular canal (scala vestibuli) - After the stapes vibrates against the oval window, it causes a wave of pressure through the fluid in this canal
2) Tympanic canal (scala tympani) - Wave of pressure then travels through this canal and presses on the round window (which helps relieve pressure in the cochlea)
3) Cochlear duct (cochlear partition) - Contains basilar membrane and organ of Corti, as well as the tectorial membrane.
What’s the basilar membrane?
- Found in the cochlear duct
- Very thin membrane that is found all along the length of the duct
- Thicker, narrower, stiffer near base
- Thinner, wider, more flexible near cochlear apex
Where and what’s the purpose of the Organ of Corti?
- Rests on top of the basilar membrane
- Structure responsible for auditory transduction since it contains nerve hair cells
- 3 500 inner nerve hair cells in one row (responsible for auditory transduction
- 12 000 outer nerve hair cells in 3 rows (sharpen the response of the inner hair cells)
What are stereocilia?
- 50-150 hair-like projections that are found on the top of all hair cells (hairs on hairs)
- They bend due to vibrations in the cochlear fluid and the movement of the tectorial membrane
- The bending causes the K+ and Ca+ ion channels to open, which causes the nerve hair cells to fire
- The tips of ion channels are linked across multiple stereocilia
- Only works when bending in one direction
What’s another name for the cochlear fluid?
- Perilymph
What’s frequency theory?
- A valid theory for coding pitch
- The idea that certain frequencies of sound waves cause hair cells to fire at the same frequency
- Phase locking occurs, where the direction of the hair cells are stuck in the same direction due to the linked tips only opening in one direction
- Because of this, info is combined across multiple neurons to account for the rate of high frequency sounds
- This process if often referred to as temporal coding
What’s place theory?
- A valid theory for coding pitch
- States that only neurons in a specific portion of the cochlea will fire in response to a specific frequency
- This is due to the varying thickness of the basilar membrane, where some areas will be affected more than others, depending on the frequency
- Waves in the perilymph will elicit a wave-like movement in the basilar membrane
- Each location along the membrane will bend most to sounds of a characteristic frequency
- Different frequencies will also produce specific patterns of displacement, these are called displacement envelopes
Why are displacement envelopes important when coding pitch?
- The patterns produced by the displacement envelopes are detected by the auditory cortex
- High frequency = max firing at the base of cochlea (makes sense cause it’s thicker at this spot, so it’s affected by higher vibrations)
- Low frequency = max firing at apex of cochlea (makes sense cause it’s much thinner, doesn’t require super high vibrations)
What does it mean to refer to the cochlea as an acoustic prism?
- When it comes to complex tones, the cochlea will break down its constituent pure tones, like a prism and light
- Performs its own Fourier analysis
T/F: Place theory is more valid than frequency theory
- Both are correct
- Temporal coding is more useful for pitch perception for sounds with frequencies less than 500Hz. Anything above that, place theory (spatial coding) is more useful
What did the DeCasper and Fifer study regarding infant voice recognition discover?
- Newborns could control what they listen to, depending on how they sucked on their soothers (in bursts or pauses)
- At age of 2 days, babies were preferring to listen to recordings of their mother’s voice versus that of a strangers.
What did the DeCasper and Spence (1986) study regarding prenatal recording preference discover?
- Babies would listen to recording of their mother’s voice in the womb
- Mother either read a “Cat in the Hat” or “Dog in the Fog” story
- After birth, the baby would prefer the version read to them in the womb
- Also did studies regarding habituation and dishabituation to music they listened to while still in the womb
- Also found changes in heart rate, kicking, depending on hearing voice of mother or someone else