Chapter 9 Infection control Flashcards
Chain of infection
▪ Microorganism capable of causing disease
▪ Bacteria and viruses
For infection to occur, the following must be present
A susceptible host (not immune)
▪ Disease-causing microorganisms (pathogens)
▪ Sufficient numbers of pathogens to initiate infection
(reservoir )
▪ Appropriate routes (portals) for a pathogen to exit
a reservoir and enter a host
▪ A mode of transmission
Routes of transmission include
Direct contact with pathogens
▪ Airborne contaminants
▪ Indirect contact with contaminated objects
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
▪ Regulatory role
Can be used to disinfect non-critical equipment,
such as the x-ray tube head and PID
Intermediate-level disinfectant
penetrates soft tissues
dental instruments
touches oral mucosa
psp plates
does not touch mucose membranes
control panel
To avoid contamination, dispense intraoral film
packets just prior to use in a disposable container.
introaral dental film
Protocol during the radiographic procedure
Patient preparation
▪ Prepare the treatment area and ready the supplies
prior to seating the patient.
▪ Provide the patient with an optional antimicrobial
mouth rinse.
▪ Have the patient remove any items that may
interfere with the procedure.
▪ Drape the patient with a lead/lead equivalent apron
and thyroid collar.
Management of PSP plates
PSP plates must be protected from light exposure
by placing in a light-tight box.
▪ Holding the PSP plate directly over the transfer
box, carefully tear the plastic by gripping the
corners on either side of the notched edge and
allow the plate to drop into the box.
▪ Do not touch the plate
with gloved hands.
Protocol for film with barrier envelopes
Tear open the plastic barrier allowing the film packet
to drop.
– Be careful to not touch the film packet.
– Using clean, dry hands or new treatment gloves, open
film packets and place the films into the automatic
processor or prepare to process manuall
Never slide gloved hands or push items through the ..
light tight baffles