Chapter 9 IDs Flashcards
Unam Sanctum
- Stated that political and temporal powers were subject to the power of the church
- Issued by Boniface to show Philip the Fair of France that the Church controlled him
Treaty of Troyes
Disinherited the legitimate heir to the French throne
-Said Henry V was successor to French King
French peasant uprising due to increase of taxes during Black Death
Black Death/Bubonic Plague of 14th Century
- Caused by fleas on rats brought over from trade ships that were on the Black Sea
- Caused people’s skin to turn black/ash gray
- Spread by sneezing/coughing
People who beat and whipped themselves to cleanse themselves
-Thought it would bring divine intervention
Statute of Laborers
- Law that reduced peasants wages and reduced ability for them to leave their masters’ land
- Led to peasant’s revolt in 1381
John Wycliff
- Fought for power of King
- Writings were used by Lollards
- Accused of heresy
- Donatism: teaching that efficacy of church’s sacraments lied in true performance and depended on moral character of clergy
John Huss
- Hussites used his writings in Bohemia
- Led religious reform movement in Prague
- Excommunicated and Prague got interdicted
- Accused of heresy and burned at the stake
Plenitude of Power
- Pope Innocent III
- Made papacy secular power
Babylonian Captivity
- Reference to Babylon controlling others religion
- Was about the pope being in Avignon, not Rome
Conflict of Boniface and Philip the Fair
- France was taxing clergy
- Pope said no taxing without his permission
- Unam Sanctum issued by Boniface
- Boniface gets beaten up and later dies
- Eventually, power gets taken from Church and political power becomes stronger
Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine
- Post of revenue (vicar, priest, pastor)
- Includes property and income
The buying and/or selling of Church privileges
- Pardons for unrepented sins
- Started being sold by Clement VI
Excommunication of entire kingdom because of action of leader
Avignon Papacy
- Under strong French influence
- Moved to Avignon to make up for what happened between Boniface VIII and Philip the Fair
Conciliar Movement
- Wanted to get a representative council in the church
- Pope is only a part of the church, there is a whole body of the faithful
Council of Pisa
- Deposition of both popes
- Alexander V elected
- Three popes
- Most accepted Alexander as the true pope
Temporal Authority
- Worldly; not spiritual or religious
- Secular
- Ex: the political power of a king
Hundred Years War
- Between France and England
- Lasted 116 years
- Causes: England and France fought over Flanders; Edward III of England claimed French throne when Charles IV died without an heir; England controlled French land
- Effects: France gains national identity leading to centralized government. England develops own cloth industry. Peasants revolt because of taxation
Joan of Arc
- Led French in victories
- Burned at stake for heresy when captured by English
Defender of Peace
- Written by Marsilius of Padua
- Stressed subordination of Pope over kings