Chapter 9 - Fire Protection Systems Flashcards
Which occupancy groups require sprinkler systems?
Group A, E, F, H, I, M, R and S
What shall be installed on all automatic sprinkler systems on the exterior of the building?
An approved audible device
What shall all commercial hoods and duct systems have?
An approved automatic fire-extinguishing system
In addition to an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system, what shall be required near commercial cooking equipment?
Portable fire extinguishers within a 30-foot travel distance
What buildings require a Class III standpipe system?
Buildings where the floor level of the highest story is located more than 30 feet above the lowest level of the fire department vehicle access.
What locations shall portable extinguishers be installed when they are required?
- Within 30 feet of commercial cooking equipment
- In areas where flammable or combustible liquids are stored, used or dispensed
- On each floor of structures under construction
- Special Hazard areas such as laboratories, computer rooms and generators
Where shall portable fire extinguishers be located when installed?
Conspicuous locations, along normal paths of travel
In Residential structures, where shall smoke alarms be located?
- Ceiling or wall outside of each separate sleeping area
- In each room used for sleeping purposes
- In each story withing a dwelling unit, including basements
When more than one smoke alarm is required to be installed, what types of alarms need to be installed?
Smoke alarms that are interconnected (when one alarms, they all activate)
How shall smoke alarms in new construction be installed?
Hard-wired with a battery back-up
Where are Manual Fire Alarm boxes to be located?
Not more than 5 feet from the entrance to each exit and in a location so that no alarm box is more than 200 feet apart.
How high from the floor shall the Manual Fire Alarm boxes be installed?
Between 42-48 inches from the floor
What color do Manual Fire Alarm boxes need to be?
Where the fire alarm systems are not monitored by a supervising station, what needs to be placed adjacent to the manual fire alarm box?
An approved permanent sign that reads “WHEN ALARM SOUNDS - CALL FIRE DEPARTMENT”
On remote annunciator panels, what do the lamp colors indicate?
Red - Alarm
Yellow or Amber - Supervisory
Yellow or Amber - System Trouble
Green - Annunciator Power Supervision