Chapter 3 - General Requirements Flashcards
A bonfire shall not be conducted within __ feet (15 240 mm) of a structure or combustible material unless the fire is contained in a barbecue pit.
50 feet
Recreational fires shall not be conducted within __ feet (7620 mm) of a structure or combustible material.
25 feet
Portable outdoor fireplaces shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and shall not be operated within __ feet (3048 mm) of a structure or combustible material.
15 feet
Charcoal burners and other open-flame cooking devices shall not be operated on balconies or within __ feet (3048 mm) of any building or combustible construction.
10 feet.
In regards to placards for vacant buildings, what shall each slash/symbol mean?
No slashes - Normal structural conditions
1 diagonal slash - structural or interior hazards exist and interior fire-fighting or rescue operations should be conducted with extreme caution.
2 diagonal slashes (x) - consideration should be given to limit fire fighting to exterior operations only, with entry only occurring for known life hazards.
What does “R/O”, “S/M”, “F/E”and “H/F” mean on vacant placards?
R/O—Roof open
S/M—Stairs, steps and landing missing
F/E—Avoid fire escapes
H/F—Holes in floor
How much ceiling clearance should exist between the ceiling and stacked storage?
Storage shall be maintained 2
feet (610 mm) or more below the ceiling in nonsprinklered
areas of buildings or a minimum of 18 inches (457 mm)
below sprinkler head deflectors in sprinklered areas of