Chapter 9 - Experiments Flashcards
Crabs + RQ
Why do juvenile crabs have a complex body colour?
Crabs + Hypothesis + Prediction
Hypothesis: The body colouration of juvenile crabs is cryptic on a heterogeneous shell-hash substratePrediction: Juveniles on shell-hash will have higher survival than individuals on a uniform background
Crabs + Methods
Tethered individual juvenile crabs on ceramic tiles in the ocean that were either a uniform white colour or a heterogeneous shell-hash colour
Recorded survival of all individuals over time
Crabs + Results + Conclusion
Only 30% of crabs on white tiles survived
Over 60% of crabs on shell-hash tiles survived
Juvenile body colouration is cryptic on shell-hash substrate and reduces predation risk
Crabs (labs) + RQ
: Can crabs select cryptic shell-hash colour substrate?
Crabs (labs) + Hypothesis + Prediction
Hypothesis: Crabs will move to cryptic backgrounds when they are available
Prediction: Crabs prefer a shell-hash background to one that is uniform in colour, especially when predation risk is high
Crabs (Labs) + Methods
Placed small or large juvenile crabs in an aquarium with two types of tiles: one covered with shell-hash, the other a uniform white colour
Manipulated predation risk for half the crabs by adding water from a tank containing predatory fish
Recorded proportion of crabs on each tile
Crab (Labs) + results + conclusion
Small crabs always preferred the shell-hash
Large crabs showed no preference when predation risk was low but preferred shell-hash when risk was high
Crabs can select an appropriate cryptic habitat to minimize detection by predators
Lizards + RQ
How does the presence of predators affect prey behaviour? (Eifler, Eifler, & Harris 2008)
Lizards + Hypothesis + Prediction
Hypothesis: Activity level of prey influences the risk of being killed by a predator
Prediction: Activity level of prey will be lower when predators are present
Lizards + Hypothesis + Prediction
Hypothesis: Activity level of prey influences the risk of being killed by a predator
Prediction: Activity level of prey will be lower when predators are present
Lizards + Methods
Whiptail lizards (Aspidoscelis uniparens) in experimental pens
Added two predator leopard lizards (Gambelia wislizenii) to half the pens
Recorded behaviour of whiptail lizards in each pen
Lizards + Results
Whiptails in predator-present pens were less active
Lizards reduce their activity level when predators are nearby
Elk + RQ + hypothesis + Prediction
Research question: What affects vigilance level of prey? (Laundré 2001)
Hypothesis: Animals will trade off feeding time for vigilance based on the level of risk
Prediction: Vigilance will be higher and feeding time will be lower when predation risk is high
Elk + Methods
Elk (Cervus elaphus)
Quantified vigilance and feeding behaviour of elk living in areas with and without wolf predators