Chapter 7 - Experiments Flashcards
Juncos - RQ
Does Age affect feeding behaviour?
Juncos - Hypothesis + Prediction
H: As birds age they should have more experience handling food
P: Older birds should handle food faster than younger birds
Juncos - Methods
-Mealworms cut into small or large pieces
-Smaller pieces easier to mandibulate
-Recorded handling times (time from first contact until consumption) of recently fledged, young, and older juveniles, as well as adults
Juncos - Results + Conclusion
Result: Adults had the lowest handling times and the highest energy intake rate
Conclusion: Older, more experienced birds had learned how to best handle insect prey
Salamanders + Foraging
Salamander neonates can recognize, attack, and
capture prey within one week of hatching, without prior experience
Salamanders + RQ
Does their foraging efficiency improve with experience?
- examined predatory hunting skills of 2 week lab individuals that had no opportunity to forage
Salamanders + Methods
- 3 feeding trials were separated by about 14 days = digestion period
-Feeding efficiency : presented 4 termites + recorded capture attempts snapping of jaw), successful captures, + # of prey that escaped → quantified # of prey captures + foraging accuracy
Salamanders + Results
- captured few prey in 1st trial → improved in 2, 3
- Indiv. rapidly learn to forage in a more efficient manner → gain experience = enhances → survivorship in the wild
Green Frogs + RQ
Does the dear enemy hypothesis explain aggression in territorial green frogs?
Green Frogs - Hypothesis + prediction
The level of aggression to a conspecific will vary with familiarity due to habituation
There should be a decrease in their response to a new rival’s vocalization after an initial aggressive response
Green Frogs + Methods
Studied males at four ponds
Created synthesized calls of two males
Frequency of 350Hz
Frequency of 450Hz
Playback of calls from speakers 1-2 m
from focal calling male
Recorded focal male response calls &
Green Frogs + Results
1) 350Hz - Focal males decrease movement toward calls of both frequencies after first broadcast of calls
2) 450 Hz - Focal males switched from advertisement to lower frequency aggressive calls after playback of calls
Vocalization of Focal Males: advertising males switch to lower frequency aggressive call after intruder appears
Green Frogs + Conclusion
Conclusion: The dear enemy hypothesis is supported Focal males habituated to stranger calls
Chicks + RQ
Is the release of neurotransmitters from the presynaptic neuron associated with imprinting learning?
Chicks + Methods
Control (not visual stimulus) Vs. Exp group (trained w/ visual stimulus - bod / blue cylinder)
Trained on running wheel
Measured movement toward stimulus
Measured amino acid transmitters in intermediate and medial portions of hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV)