Chapter 9 Blood, lymph, and immunity Flashcards
Blood is classified as?
connective tissue
What are the 3 main functions of blood?
transportation, regulation, and defense
______ is a transport system.
Blood carries ______, ______, and other essential ______ to every living cell in the body.
oxygen, nutrients, compounds
______ is carried by hemoglobin in the red blood cells (RBCs).
______ and other essential _______ are dissolved in the blood plasma.
Nutrients, compounds
Blood carries the ______ _______ of cellular metabolism (CO2) away from the cells to the waste disposal organs that excrete them from the body, most often the lungs and the kidneys.
waste products
Blood is a ________ system.
Blood aids in regulation of _____ _____, ______ _______ content, regulation of blood _____.
body temperature, tissue fluid content, blood pH
Blood is a ______ system.
_______ blood cells provide defense from foreign invaders into the body through ________ or through their involvement in immunity.
What is phagocytosis?
ingesting the invaders
_______ are found in the blood.
There are _____ clotting factors found in blood that are necessary for blood to clot. If one clotting factor is missing, blood will not clot.
Blood is a _____ in which cells and cell fragments are suspended.
What compounds in the blood are either dissolved or suspended?
oxygen, electrolytes, hormones, nutrients, and drugs
The liquid portion of blood is called?
The cellular portion of blood is made up of?
red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets
What is another name for red blood cells?
What is another name for white blood cells?
What is another name for platelets?
What is hemoconcentration?
when there is less plasma in the bloodstream (dehydration) and the cells become more concentrated
What is hemodilution?
when an animal has too much fluid in the bloodstream; the plasma dilutes the cells
What does whole blood mean?
used to denote blood contained in the cardiovascular system or a sample that contains plasma and all of its cellular components
What is peripheral blood?
whole blood that flows through the blood vessels that carry blood to and from the heart and lungs
What is plasma?
the fluid portion of a blood sample
Plasma makes up from _____ to ______ of blood volume depending on the species and the size of the red blood cells.
45% to 78%
______ ______ cells make up the next largest component of blood after plasma.
Red blood
The _____ ______ cells and _____ make up a small portion of the total volume of the blood sample.
white blood
_______ is about 93% water.
Plasma contains what substances that are dissolved or suspended in it?
plasma proteins such as albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen make up the majority of these substances
The gases most abundant in plasma are?
oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen
______, _______ acids, _______ wastes, and electrolytes such as _____, ______, ______, ______, _______, _______ ions are also found in plasma.
Lipids amino acids metabolic wastes sodium potassium calcium magnesium chloride bicarbonate ions
When systemic drugs are administered to an animal, they are carried to their site of action by ______.
Frequently, drugs have to attach themselves to a transport plasma protein such as ______ to make themselves soluble in the plasma.
What is hemoglobin?
the protein in red blood cells that gives them their red color and enables them to carry large amounts of oxygen
What are anticoagulants?
substances that tie up clotting factors and prevent blood from clotting
What is the serum in blood?
the fluid that rises to the top of the tube after a blood sample has been centrifuged
What is the difference between blood plasma and blood serum?
plasma is whole blood minus cells; serum is whole blood minus the cells and clotting elements
Erythrocytes (red blood cells)do what?
carry oxygen
Thrombocytes (platelets) do what?
help prevent leaks from damaged blood vessels
How many types of Leukocytes (WBC) are there?
What term is used to describe the 3 WBC that have granules in their cytoplasm and are named by how the granules stain?