Chapter 9 and 9.5 Flashcards
Varying levels of solar ____ is the key driver affecting the distribution of biomes.
The troposphere is the name given to the vertical extent of the atmosphere from the surface, right up to between _ and _ km high.
10, 15
A Ferrel Cell is the motion of air in the mid-latitudes. It is characterised by sinking air near _ degrees and rising air toward the poles. At the surface, air flowing poleward is deflected to the _ by the _ force, resulting in westerly surface winds.
30 degrees, East, Coriolis movements
The smallest and weakest cells are the _ cells, which extend from between _ and 70 degrees north and south, to the poles. Air in these cells sinks over the highest latitudes and flows out towards the lower latitudes at the surface.
Polar, 60 degrees