Chapter 9 Flashcards
What is the difference between positive discipline and negative discipline?
Positive discipline is intended to help the employee recognize problems and make corrections to improve performance or behavior.
Negative discipline is intended as a punishment for unsatisfactory performance, unacceptable behavior, or failure to respond appropriately to positive discipline.
What is meant by progressive discipline?
Moving from positive to negative and from minor to major discipline. Progressive discipline might begin with the verbal counseling than move to a verbal reprimand with a written note to be filed and employees fall into a formal reprimand and finally suspension/reductions in pay/demotion.
What’s the ultimate form of negative discipline for employee?
Why regular evaluations performed?
To ensure that firefighters know which type of performance expected while on the job and where he/she stands in relation to those expectations. Helps the firefighter set personal goals for professional development and performance improvement.
Formal written document, that evaluates a firefighters performance during the previous year.
Annual performance evaluation
Structured probationary programs require the fire officer to complete a monthly evaluation of each probationary firefighter. This evaluation typically assesses the probationary firefighter in four areas:
- Firefighting skill competency- including proficiency as apparatus operator.
- Progress in learning job specific information not covered in basic training.
- progress in learning fire company district/territory including streets and target hazards.
- Performance in other job task- station cleaning, station tours etc.
How should performance evaluation and feedback on individual performance be given to firefighters?
Performance evaluation should be a continuous supervisory process, not a special event performed only when scheduled evaluation has to be submitted.
Feedback of an individual’s performance is most effective when it’s delivered as soon as possible after an action or incident. At this point the firefighters intensely aware of the event and wants to know how he/she performed.
Discipline (skip too weird)
Moral, mental, and physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the leader. Fire officer builds discipline by training to meet performance standards, using rewards and punishments judiciously, instilling confidence in building trust among team leaders.
Within the fire department, discipline is divided into positive and negative sides. Describe each.
Positive discipline is based on encouraging and reinforcing appropriate behavior/desirable performance.
Negative discipline based on punishing inappropriate behavior/unacceptable performance
Describe how progressive discipline should work:
Positive discipline should be used before negative discipline is applied, then increasing the intensity of positive discipline if the individual fails to respond.
Negative discipline might have to be used to an increasing degree if the individual fails to respond in an appropriate manner.
What is the key to positive discipline?
The key to positive discipline is to convince these parties that they want to do better and are capable of and willing to make the effort.
How does the fire officer provide positive discipline?
By identifying weaknesses, setting goals and objectives to improve performance, and providing the capability to meet those targets.
What is a starting point for positive discipline?
The starting point for positive discipline is to establish a set of expectations for behavior and performance. Once these expectations are known, there must be consistent and conscientious efforts to meet them. Must apply to the entire team.
How is positive discipline and reinforced?
Reinforced by recognizing improved performance in rewarding excellent performance.
How does the officer set the stage for positive discipline?
The officer sets the stage for positive discipline by setting clear expectations and “walking the walk”
What can be used as a stimulant for positive reinforcement especially at the company level?
What is one of the most effective strategies within the realm of positive discipline?
Empowerment- officer who identifies an area where improvement is needed can often empower the firefighter to correct the problem on their own. It is important for the officer to identify the target provide the resources but doing the work on their own and demonstrating their capabilities can be a very positive motivator.
What is the first level of negative discipline, considered informal – not part of the employee’s official record.
An oral reprimand, warning, or admonishment.
What are the three portions of an oral reprimand?
- Expect compliance- of violated policy/procedure
- Statement of verbal reprimand
- Notification continued failure to comply will result in more severe discipline