Chapter 9 Flashcards
False Belief
The child’s mistaken understanding that a naive or uninformed observer has the same information (and thus the same beliefs) as the child
Guided Participation
Process by which a skilled collaborator transfers knowledge to a learner by providing support and gradually withdrawing it
Mutual attention and shared communication that take place between two individuals
Inability to distinguish between mental and physical entities
Referential Communication
Communication in situations that require the child to describe an object to a listener or evaluate the effectiveness of a message
Representational Insight
The child’s ability to understand that a symbol or model can stand for a real life event
Organized scheme or framework for commonly experienced events
Social Cognition
Thinking processes that are relevant to the social world
Social Refercing
Looking to another individual for emotional cues in interpreting strange or ambiguous events
Theory of Mind
Awareness of the concept of mental states, both one’s own and those of others