Chapter 9 Flashcards
Democracy in America
36’30’ Boundary
Expanson of slavery caused by the Missouri Compromise
- slavery would be prohibited in other new states north of this line, but permitted to new states to the south
Denmark Vesey
Conspiracy: convinced white South Carolinians that anti-slavery ideas put them in danger of a massive uprising
* * Born into slavery in St. Thomas
* Transported in slavery from Bermuda to charleston, South Carolina
* Founder of a congregation of the first independent Black denomination
* Key organizer of a planned slave revolt
First Seminole War
Ended with the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 giving Flordia to the US
Southern Exceptionalism
South was distinct from the rest of the United States
- contibuted to the outbreak of the Civil War
- Helped understand the intense versions of several cultural and social practices
Tariff of Abominations
Import tax that provided protection for nothern manufacturing interests by raising prices of European products in America
- Was blamed for massive transfer of wealth
Nullificiation Crisis
Issue of states’ rights vs federal authority
- right to nullify federal laws that were unconstitutional
- Was occuring due to the tariff of abominations
- Divided north and south
Set a precedent by linking concepts of states’ rights and secession, foreshadowing Civil War events
The act of a state withdrawing from the United States
- threated to nullify the tariffs
States’ Rights
Political doctrine that emphasizes that powers and rights of individual states as opposed to the federal government
Eaton Affair (Petticoat Affair)
Scandalized the women of elite Washington, leading to the resignation of all but one member of Jackson’s cabinet
Second Bank of the United States
Established in1816 under Madison to replace Hamilton’s First Bank expiring in 1811
- designed to stablize growing American economy
- required other banks to pay debts promptly in gold, prevent issuing too many paper banknnotes
Bank War
Created the faction and idea of democrats
- mechanism for rich to propser at the expense of the poor, bank was unconstitutional
Panic of 1837
The chaos of setting off bank runs and a 5 year recession
- Caused by Federal land being need to be paid in silver or gold
- general economic depression
- created opp for Whig Party
Whig Party
Opponents of Jackson (Democracy), took advantage of the Panic of 1837
-grown out of political coalition
Whigs = opposition of the King, Andrew Jackson = the king
Conspiracy theory that claimed Freemasons were an elite secret society, including an accustation that Masons had murdered William Morgan to prevent him from revealing the secrets of their order
- purpose = destroy freemasons
- took the model of the Whig’s = demonstrated importance of conspiracy theories in American politics
Know Nothings (American Party)
Powerful anti-immigrant nativist force, especially mobilized around anti-Catholicism
- sought and won office across the country in the 1850’s