Chapter 9 Flashcards
What measurement focus (MF) and basis of accounting (BA) are used for governmental funds?
A. Economic resources MF/accrual BA
B. Economic resources MF/modified accrual BA
C. Current financial resources MF/accrual BA
D. Current financial resources MF/modified accrual BA
Governmental funds focus on liquidity (current financial resources), which requires that the accrual basis of accounting be modified. [Correct response = D]
Which of the following potential revenue recognition criteria are relevant under the cash basis of accounting?
A. Amounts earned and collected
B. Amounts earned and collectible in the near term
C. Amounts earned and collectible later
D. All of the above
E. Both A and B
Under the cash basis of accounting, nothing less than collection suffices for revenue recognition. [Correct response = A
Which of the following potential revenue recognition criteria are relevant under the accrual basis of accounting?
A. Amounts earned and collected
B. Amounts earned and collectible in the near term
C. Amounts earned and collectible later
D. All of the above
E. Both A and B
Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenue is recognized as soon as it is earned, provided that collection ultimately will occur. [Correct response = D]
Which of the following best describes revenue recognition under the modified accrual basis of accounting?
A. Amounts earned and collected
B. Amounts collected or collectible in the near term
C. Amounts earned and collected or collectible in the near term
Revenue recognition under the modified accrual basis of accounting requires that revenue be (1) earned and (2) capable of being collected (that is, actually collected or collectible) in the near term. [Correct response = C]
Which of the following might be reported at different amounts under the modified accrual basis of accounting than under the accrual basis of accounting?
A. Receivable
B. Revenue
C. Both A and B
Receivable recognition is identical under both the accrual and modified accrual basis of accounting; the difference between the two is whether the receivable thus recognized is matched by revenue or unearned revenue. [Correct response = B]
What is the maximum availability period allowed for property taxes?
A. 30 days
B. 45 days
C. 60 days
D. 90 days
GAAP expressly limit the availability period for property taxes to 60 days. [Correct response = C
Which of the following circumstances would justify the recognition of revenue collected after the close of the normal availability period?
A. A highly unusual property tax calendar
B. A delay in remittances resulting from a natural disaster
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
In unusual circumstances, a government can recognize revenue based on its normal collection patterns, even if it means recognizing property tax revenues that become collectible more than 60 days beyond the end of the period. For this purpose, circumstances are considered to be unusual only if they are unlikely to recur for that particular government (thereby distorting revenue trends). Thus, a “highly unusual” property tax calendar would not justify the recognition of revenue beyond the 60-day limit set by GAAP. [Correct response = B
How should estimated uncollectibles be treated?
A. As an outflow of economic resources (bad debt expense)
B. As an outflow of current financial resources (bad debt expenditure)
C. As a reduction of revenue
D. Either B or C
There is no equivalent of bad debt expense for governmental funds. Instead, revenues are initially recognized net of any amounts considered ultimately uncollectible. [Correct response = C]
As a matter of practical bookkeeping, what credit or credits normally are recorded when a receivable associated with revenue is initially recognized?
A. Revenue
B. Deferred inflow of resources
C. Either A or B
D. A combination of A and B
Typically a government recognizes the entire balance as either revenue or a deferred inflow of resources and then makes the appropriate adjustment at the end of the fiscal period. [Correct response = C]
A government levies property taxes near the end of the current fiscal year ($100) to finance the following fiscal year of which a portion is collected in the current year ($60) and the balance early in the following year (within the availability period). How much should be recognized as revenue in the current fiscal year?
A. $0
B. $60
C. $100
No property tax revenue can be recognized prior to the fiscal year it is levied to finance. [Correct response = A]
Which of the following is a derived tax revenue?
A. State income tax
B. County sales tax shared with lower-level governments (county perspective)
C. County sales tax shared with lower-level governments (recipient perspective)
D. All of the above
E. Both A and B
The concept of derived tax revenues applies solely to taxes assessed by the government itself. A derived tax revenue that is shared with another government is either a government-mandated nonexchange transaction or a voluntary nonexchange transaction from the vantage point of the recipient. [Correct response = E
When should a receivable for property taxes be recognized?
A. When legally enforceable
B. At the start of the period the tax is intended to finance
C. Either A or B, whichever is earlier
D. Either A or B, whichever is later
Normally, a receivable is recognized only when it becomes legally enforceable. However, a receivable for property taxes should be recognized no later than the start of the fiscal year the taxes are intended to finance, even if the receivable is not yet legally enforceable at that time. [Correct response = C]
How is the receipt of a payment in lieu of taxes from outside the primary government normally classified?
A. Exchange or exchange-like transaction
B. Voluntary nonexchange revenue
C. Government-mandated nonexchange transaction
Normally the amount of a payment in lieu of taxes is not equivalent to the value of the services provided; therefore, it would not qualify as an exchange or exchange-like transaction. Furthermore, a payment in lieu of taxes is not a “funded mandate.” [Correct response = B
When should fines associated with citations (net of estimated uncollectible amounts) be recognized as revenue?
A. When paid voluntarily
B. At the end of the period for challenging the citation
C. When imposed by a court
D. All of the above
Fines are recognized as revenue as soon as they are acknowledged or legally imposed. [Correct response = D]
A government that reports escheat property in its general fund ($100) expects ultimately to pay out only a fraction of that amount ($15). What amount should be reported as a liability in the general fund?
A. $0
B. $100
C. $15
A liability should be reported for any amount the government ultimately expects to repay to property owners. [Correct response = C]